A Place for Teachers to Share Materials A Place for Teachers to Share Materials
The site offers free curriculum for kindergarten through grade 12 in areas such as math, science, reading and language. Transcript of radio broadcast:
04 May 2008

This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

Wikis are Web sites designed for cooperative work. Users can easily create or change the content. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit, is the best known wiki.

A newer example is Curriki, a curriculum wiki. is a learning community for developing and sharing educational materials for free. It says it has forty thousand members in two hundred countries

The materials are for kindergarten through grade twelve. The subject areas are mathematics, science, technology, reading, language arts and languages.

In addition to English, there are some materials in French, German, Hindi, Portuguese and Spanish.

A curriculum-building tool helps educators create lesson plans on the site. The idea is for members to donate resources that represent best practices.

Curriki's partners include Sesame Workshop, which has created videos and lesson plans to teach children about cultural differences. Another company, Atomic Learning, has provided videos for teaching about technology.

Members who donate materials are listed on the site. Comments and criticisms about materials are also posted.

Anyone can use to teach others or themselves. The materials can be printed or saved to a CD.

Curriki is also working on several international projects. One of them involves teacher training for Indonesia. In South Africa, Curriki has been working on a research project on the process of building free and open curriculum.

In two thousand four, the Sun Microsystems company launched the Global Education and Learning Community. Two years later, Sun established it as an independent nonprofit organization and changed the name to Curriki.

Bobbi Kurshan is the executive director. She says a team of experts rates material on Curriki on a scale of one to three. The volunteers judge if the information is complete, if it is right for the age level and if it is written well.

The name "wiki" comes from a Hawaiian word for "quick." But Bobbi Kurshan says she recognizes that many teachers may not be quick to trust free, open-source materials. She says people should trust the educational community on Curriki to do the right thing. In her words, "We’re changing the way we build curriculum."

And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by Jill Moss.

----------------------------Google Translate :一个地方,供教师分享材料



一个较新的例子是, curriki ,课程的wiki 。 curriki.org是一个学习型社区的发展和共享的教育材料,免费。它说有4.0万成员,在200个国家







curriki ,也是工作的几个国际项目。其中一人涉及师资培训,为印度尼西亚。在南非, curriki一直致力于研究项目建设过程中自由和开放的课程。

在2000四, Sun Microsystems公司的公司发起了全球教育和学习型社区。两年后,孙成立,它作为一个独立的非营利组织,并改变了名称,以curriki 。

bobbi kurshan是执行董事。她说,一个专家小组利率材料对curriki对规模2时59分。义工法官如果信息是否完整,如果它是正确的年龄层次,如果是书面。

命名为“维客”来自夏威夷语“快速” 。但bobbi kurshan说,她认识到,许多教师可能无法快速信托免费,自由,开放原始码的材料。她说,人民应该相信社会上对教育curriki做正确的事。在她的话, “我们正在改变了我们的建设课程” 。


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