TEDxPenn2010.12.2---Peter Fader :Napster的遺產教訓

TEDxPenn2010.12.2---Peter Fader :Napster的遺產教訓
TEDxPenn - Peter Fader - The Lessons and Legacy of Napster
Peter S. Fader is the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His expertise centers around the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/purchasing activities. He works with firms from a wide range of industries, such as consumer packaged goods, interactive media, financial services, retailing, and pharmaceuticals. Managerial applications focus on topics such as customer relationship management, lifetime value of the customer, and sales forecasting for new products. Much of his research highlights the consistent (but often surprising) behavioral patterns that exist across these industries and other seemingly different domains.
Many of these cross-industry experiences and observations are currently being channeled towards the development of the Wharton Interactive Media Initiative, a bold new research center that aims to revolutionize current thinking and managerial practices within the media/ entertainment/e-commerce industries.
Professor Fader believes that marketing should not be viewed as a "soft" discipline, and he frequently works with different companies and industry associations to improve managerial perspectives in this regard. His work has been published in (and he serves on the editorial boards of) a number of leading journals in marketing, statistics, and the management sciences. He has won many awards for his teaching and research accomplishments.


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TEDxPenn - 彼得費德 - 的教訓及Napster的遺產
彼得S.費德是弗朗西斯和培苑吃啊市場學講座教授在沃頓商學院美國賓夕法尼亞大學。他的專長集中在行為數據的分析和預測,了解顧客購物 /採購活動。他與企業中的廣泛的行業,如消費品,互動媒體,金融服務,零售和藥品。管理應用重點主題,如客戶關係管理,生命週期價值的客戶,並為新產品銷售預測。他的許多研究強調一致的(但常常令人驚訝)是存在於不同的行為模式,這些看似不同的行業及其他領域。
許多這些跨行業的經驗和意見,目前正在對渠道發展的沃頓互動媒體計劃,一個大膽的新的研究中心,旨在徹底改變當前的思想和管理方法在媒體 /娛樂 /電子商務行業。


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