GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.24---Kirk Sorensen:儲存鈾 -233,探索空間,拯救生命

GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.24---Kirk Sorensen:儲存鈾 -233,探索空間,拯救生命
Save the Uranium-233, Explore Space, Save Lives
Google Tech Talk
January 13, 2011
Presented by Kirk Sorensen.
Uranium-233 does not exist naturally, but about a ton of the stuff was transmuted from Thorium-232 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the 1960's. Some people would have us blend this exceedingly rare element with natural uranium for disposal. However, Uranium-233 can be used in an advanced nuclear reactor with interesting properties. Uranium-233 is the cleanest burning fissile material. Employed as an initial fuel load for a Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor, this small supply of Uranium-233 can be the match to ignite a process that produces a huge supply of electricity along with small quantities of useful fission products. In particular, the LFTR produces small amounts of Plutonium-238, essential for NASA's deep space missions; Technetium-99m, exceedingly valuable for medical imaging; and other specialized isotopes used in cancer treatments. Nuclear power reactors can be engineered to produce many valuable materials through transmutation belying the term "nuclear waste".
Kirk Sorensen is chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Alabama. He has been researching the nuclear fuel cycle for many years in connection with a strong interest in thorium as a planetary energy source. He is also a PhD student in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville under Dr. Laurence Miller. He runs a blog called "" and is active in the Thorium Energy Alliance (TEA) and the International Thorium Energy Organization (IThEO) and is also a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).

儲存的鈾 -233,探索空間,拯救生命
鈾 -233,自然不存在,而是一噸蛻變的東西是從釷 -232在橡樹嶺國家實驗室在1960年的。有些人希望我們這個極其罕見的混合天然鈾元素與處置。然而,鈾 233可以用在先進核反應堆與有趣的性質。鈾 233是最乾淨的燃燒裂變材料。受僱為初始燃料的液體負載氟釷反應堆,這個小供應鈾 233可以點燃的比賽進程,產生了巨大的電力供應以及少量的有用的裂變產物。特別是,LFTR產生少量的钚238,基本為美國宇航局的深空任務;锝- 99m的,極其寶貴的醫療成像和其他專門同位素用於癌症治療。核電反應堆可以設計產生許多寶貴的材料,通過嬗變 belying所謂“核廢料”。

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