TEDxBrussels2011.1.14---David Anderegg:書呆子,它們是什麼

TEDxBrussels2011.1.14---David Anderegg:書呆子,它們是什麼
TEDx Brussels - David Anderegg - Nerds: What are they
David Anderegg is a child theraphist, has written a NYT bestseller, he has served on the faculties of Tufts University and the Smith College School of Social Work, and he is now on the faculty of Bennington College.
@TEDxBrussels 2010
TEDx的布魯塞爾 -大衛安德雷格-書呆子:它們是什麼
大衛安德雷格是兒童 theraphist,紐約時報寫了一本暢銷書,他曾在塔夫茨大學的院系和史密斯學院社會工作學院,他目前在本寧頓學院系。
2010@ TEDxBrussels

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