TEDxBrussels2011.1.18--- Mary Lou Jepsen:自己動手做顯示為群眾

TEDxBrussels2011.1.18--- Mary Lou Jepsen:自己動手做顯示為群眾
TEDx Brussels 2010 - Mary Lou Jepsen - DIY displays for the masses
Mary Lou Jepsen was named one of the hundred most influential people in the world by Time Magazine in May 2008 for her work in creating Pixel Qi and her previous work at One Laptop per Child where she was the founding chief technology officer. Mary Lou convinced some of the world's largest electronics manufacturers to create the XO with her, and she created and managed the relationships between OLPC and them. She was responsible for all of the OLPC hardware, mechanicals, electronics, display, integration, manufacturing, certification, and environmental footprint reduction during her tenure at OLPC.
@TEDxBrussels 2010

TEDx的布魯塞爾2010年- 瑪麗婁傑普森- 自己動手做顯示為群眾
瑪麗盧傑布森之一,被評為最有影響力的一百人在世界上被時代雜誌2008年5月她的工作創造像素齊和她以前的工作在每個兒童一台筆記本電腦,她是建國首席技術官。瑪麗盧說服一些全球最大的電子製造商創造了XO與她,她創建和管理之間的關係 OLPC和他們。她負責所有的OLPC的硬件,機械表,電子,顯示器,集成,製造,認證,並減少對環境的影響在其任期於 OLPC項目。
2010@ TEDxBrussels

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