TEDxPearlRiver2011.1.29---Claus Nehmzow:三維頭像學校

TEDxPearlRiver2011.1.29---Claus Nehmzow:三維頭像學校
TEDxPearlRiver - Claus Nehmzow - 3D Avatar School
3D Avatar School
German-born HK-based entrepreneur Claus Nohmzow is a leading thinker in applying innovative new media technologies to the business arena, using diverse fields such as virtual worlds, participatory media and social media. His insight on immersive worlds are cherished across the globe. Amongst his other achievements, Claus successfully led a project for health insurer Cigna, making use of 3D immersive worlds and serious games technology to create a new style of health education community. (Thank you to Victor Zhang and Podge Dimagiba for video transcoding and editing, respectively) www.TEDxPearlRiver.com
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations). www.ted.com/tedx

TEDxPearlRiver-克勞斯 Nehmzow- 三維頭像學校
德國出生的香港為基礎的企業家克勞斯 Nohmzow是一家領先的思想家在新媒體技術應用創新的業務領域,使用不同的領域,如虛擬世界,參與媒體和社會媒體。他的洞察力對身臨其境的世界是珍惜在全球各地。其中包括他的其他成就,成功地領導一個項目克勞斯為健康保險公司 Cigna公司,使得採用 3D身臨其境的遊戲世界和嚴重的技術,創造一種新的風格的社區健康教育。 (謝謝您對維克多張和波奇Dimagiba視頻轉換和編輯,分別)www.TEDxPearlRiver.com
關於 TEDx的中,x=獨立組織的活動
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例)。 www.ted.com/ TEDx的

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