TEDxPotomac2010.7.27---Berit Oskey:合作競爭:一個勇敢的商業世界

TEDxPotomac2010.7.27---Berit Oskey:合作競爭:一個勇敢的商業世界
TEDxPotomac - Berit Oskey - Co-opetition: A Brave New Business World
Berit Oskey's Affinity Lab during the past nine years since she co-founded the company has helped more than 100 small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profits flourish by providing them with shared office space, a networked community, and the tools necessary to thrive in the DC region.
In short, Berit's mission is to help entrepreneurs realize their dreams.
Through her own love of entrepreneurialism (which started when she launched DC-based web development firm Articulated Impact), a voracious reading habit, and a penchant for travels, she has gained the experience and expertise to build one of DC's "Best Places to Work," according to the Washington Business Journal. Affinity Lab has been featured in the Washington Post, LA Times, Washington Examiner, and on Fox, NBC, ABC, NPR, and Voice of America.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

TEDxPotomac-貝里特 Oskey-合作競爭:一個勇敢的商業世界
貝里特 Oskey的親和力實驗室在過去九年以來她與人共同創辦了公司已經幫助100多家小企業,企業家和非利潤的蓬勃發展為他們提供與共享辦公空間,網絡社區和必要的工具蓬勃發展,直流地區。
通過她自己的愛情的創業精神(即開始時,她推出的DC -基於 Web開發公司鉸接式影響),一個貪婪的閱讀習慣,以及嗜好的旅行,她已經獲得的經驗和專業知識,建立一個 DC的“最適合工作“根據華盛頓商業雜誌。親和實驗室已刊登在華盛頓郵報,洛杉磯時報,華盛頓考官和福克斯,美國全國廣播公司,美國廣播公司,全國公共廣播電台和美國之音。
在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x=獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織的。 (根據一定的規則和條例。)

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