TEDxTelAviv2010.7.12---Ehud Shapiro:揭開人體細胞

TEDxTelAviv2010.7.12---Ehud Shapiro:揭開人體細胞
TEDxTelAviv - Ehud Shapiro - Uncovering the Human Cell Iineage Tree
Our body is made of 100 trillion cells, all offspring of a single founder cell -- an egg fertilized by a sperm. Thus, our visible body has an invisible companion road map - the cell lineage tree. In this talk fascinating, Ehud Shapiro, a professor of computer science and biology in the Weizmann Institute of Science, shares why a complete knowledge of the structure and evolution of this tree could answer many open questions in biology and medicine.

TEDxTelAviv-埃胡德夏皮羅- 揭開人體細胞 Iineage樹
我們的身體是由100萬億個細胞,所有的後代一個單一的創始人細胞-卵子受精的精子。因此,我們的身體有一種無形的有形的同伴路線圖 -細胞譜系樹。在這次講座引人入勝,埃胡德夏皮羅教授計算機科學和生物學的魏茨曼科學研究所,股票為什麼一個完整的知識結構和演化的這種樹可以解答許多懸而未決的問題在生物學和醫學。

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