TEDxWindyCity2010.11.3---Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche :未来的食物

TEDxWindyCity2010.11.3---Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche :未来的食物
TEDxWindyCity -- Homaro Cantu & Ben Roche -- The Future of Food
Homaro & Ben talk about food replication, the benefits of food recontextualization, and lead the audience through a "flavor-tripping" experience. Homaro Cantu is the owner and executive chef of Moto restaurant, as well as the chairman and founder of Cantu Designs firm in Chicago, Illinois. An inventor, entrepreneur, chef and molecular gastronomer, he became famous for his unconventional approach to cooking -- using a state-of-the-art laboratory based in Moto's kitchen. Ben Roche is the executive pastry chef of Moto Restaurant as well as the director of research and development at Cantu Designs firm. Homaro & Ben collaborate and support eachother's love for science and the culinary arts. Besides working together at Moto and Cantu Designs, they co-host the Green Channel TV show, Future Food,
What is TEDx?
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxWINDYCITY, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxWINDYCITY event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.

TEDxWindyCity - Homaro坎及本罗氏 - 未来的食物
Homaro及复制本谈食物,食物回归语境化的好处,并带领一“的味道,跳闸”的经验了观众。 Homaro坎图是摩托的拥有者和餐厅行政总厨,以及主席和坎图设计在芝加哥,伊利诺伊州公司的创始人。发明家,企业家,厨师和分子gastronomer,他成为他的著名的非传统的方法来烹调 - 使用先进设备,设备先进的实验室Moto的厨房基础。本罗氏是摩托餐厅行政糕点厨师以及研究和发展的坎图设计事务所主任。 Homaro与本协作和支持科学与烹饪艺术的海誓山盟的爱。除了工作在摩托罗拉和坎图设计,他们共同主持的电视节目的绿色通道,未来的食物一起,
在传播思想的精神价值,TED创建一个名为TEDx的。 TEDx是一种本地的,自发组织的活动,使人们共同分享TED的类似体验活动。我们的事件称为TEDxWINDYCITY,其中x =独立组织的TED事件。在我们TEDxWINDYCITY事件,TEDTalks视频及现场演讲人将结合引发的深入讨论和一小群的连接。 TED会议提供一般指导意见TEDx的方案,但个别TEDx活动,包括我们,都是自发组织的。

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