Newsy2011.3.17---全球最昂貴的狗價值 150萬美元


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Newsy2011.3.17---全球最昂貴的狗價值 150萬美元
World's Most Expensive Dog Worth $1.5 million
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Can't buy love. Can't buy happiness. But you can buy a best friend- man's best friend that is- for a cool $1.5 million. A multimillionaire coal baron in China just shelled that out for what is considered the long-reigning world's most expensive dog - a red Tibetan Mastiff.
Anchor 1: "They are rarely found outside of Tibet giving them exclusivity that other breeds cannot match. But I mean, It almost looks like a cartoon."
Anchor 2: "It is a beautiful dog. I like how it is so quaff or so to speak."
Anchor 3: For 1.5 - "It had better do it's own hair. No kidding."
(Video: WXYZ)
That particular Tibetan Mastiff is 180 pounds and still growing. His dietary needs consist of chicken and beef - with delicacies like sea cucumber and abalone. According to The Telegraph...
"They are reportedly one of the oldest and fiercest breeds in the world. According to legend, both Genghis Khan and Budda had them..."
The Telegraph also quotes the breeder who sold the million-and-a-half-dollar pup, Big Splash.
"As a male dog, he can be hired out to other breeders for as much as 100,000 yuan a shot. [The seller] could recoup his money in just a couple of years."
A writer for The Huffington Post asks the obvious question- is the big money spent on Big Splash justifiable?
"With so many dogs around the world lacking homes and being euthanized in shelters as a result, is it acceptable to place such a high price on a single dog? Or should certain breeds be preserved and considered more valuable than others?"
And NowPublic interviewed a veterinarian who says- the dog may be a status symbol, but it's also a living creature.
"The obsession is unhealthy for the dogs themselves, which require more exercise and training than their status-conscious owners are willing to provide. Owners ...are unprepared or unwilling to properly exercise and care for the giant dogs."
But according to a bloger for The Stir- the red Tibetan Mastiff is more than just a status symbol. Big Splash's new millionaire owner is now one step closer to the afterlife.
"Tibetan Mastiffs are thought to be reincarnated nuns and monks, which makes Big Splash one big holy dog...When you look at it that way, the price isn't so ridiculous, really. How much is the health and security of your family worth? It's priceless, right?"
Big Splahs's breeder called him quote "the perfect specimen"- but what do you think?
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全球最昂貴的狗價值 150萬美元
不能買到愛情。買不來幸福。但你可以買一個最好的朋友,人類最好的朋友,是為一個很酷的150萬美元。一個千萬富翁,在中國煤炭大亨只是砲擊,列出了有什麼被認為是長期的衛冕世界上最昂貴的狗 - 一個紅色的藏獒。
錨 1:“他們很少發現使他們對西藏以外的排他性,其他品種無法比擬的。但我的意思是,它看起來幾乎就像是卡通片。”
錨 2:“這是一個漂亮的狗。我喜歡它是如此暢飲,或可以這麼說。”
錨 3:1.5 - “那不如做自己的頭髮。不是開玩笑。”
這尤其藏獒是180磅,仍然在增長。他的飲食需要包括雞肉和牛肉 - 與美食如海參,鮑魚。據每日電訊報 ...
“據說他們是一個最古老和最激烈的品種在世界上。據傳說,成吉思汗和佛祖都讓他們 ...”
“作為一個男性的狗,他能進給其他育種者多達 10萬元出手。[賣方]可以收回他的錢只是一對夫婦的年。”
一個作家,The Huffington Post的要求明顯的問題,是大花的錢,就引起轟動合理呢?
“的痴迷,是不健康的狗本身,這需要更多的鍛煉和訓練比他們的地位,自覺業主願意提供。業主 ...沒有準備或不願正確行使和關懷巨大的狗。”
大Splahs的飼養員叫他引述“完美的標本” - 但你怎麼想?
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