
Research Pioneers New Approach for Space Electronics
A five-year project led by the Georgia Institute of Technology has developed a novel approach to space electronics that could change how space vehicles and instruments are designed. The new capabilities are based on silicon-germanium (SiGe) technology, which can produce electronics that are highly resistant to both wide temperature variations and space radiation.
In addition to Georgia Tech, the 11-member team included the University of Arkansas, Auburn University, University of Maryland, University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, BAE Systems, Boeing Co., IBM Corp., Lynguent Inc. and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The research was funded by NASA.
Video: Inertia Films/Georgia Tech, with NASA video/still images.

視頻:慣性電影 /喬治亞理工學院,與美國航天局的視頻/靜止圖像。

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