TEDTalks2011.6.20---Bill Ford::未來交通流動性


TEDTalks2011.6.20---Bill Ford::未來交通流動性
TEDTalks : Bill Ford: A future beyond traffic gridlock
Bill Ford is a car guy -- his great-grandfather was Henry Ford, and he grew up inside the massive Ford Motor Co. So when he worries about cars' impact on the environment, and about our growing global gridlock problem, it's worth a listen. His vision for the future of mobility includes "smart roads," even smarter public transport and going green like never before.
About Bill Ford
As executive chair of the Ford Motor Company, Bill Ford leads the company that put the world on wheels
比爾福特是汽車的傢伙 - 他的曾祖父是亨利福特,他長大了大量內部福特汽車公司因此當他擔心車“對環境的影響,以及我們不斷增長的全球僵局的問題,這是值得一聽。他的遠見為未來的流動性,包括“智能公路”,更聰明的公共交通和綠色環保前所未有的。

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