HooverInstitution2011/6/21---Michael Spence :未來經濟增長

HooverInstitution2011/6/21---Michael Spence :未來經濟增長
Michael Spence — The Future of Economic Growth
A fellow at the Hoover Institution and a professor of economics at New York University Stern School of Business, Michael Spence won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2001. His latest book is The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multi-Speed World.
Around 1750 the world economy began its amazing transformation with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. What happened then and why did it happen? The short answer, according to Michael Spence is "innovation." But where does innovation come from? Spence traces the emergence of the global economy, marking the critical interaction of economics and governance in successful economies in the developing world. He focuses on China and India as emerging economic powers and what their rise will mean for the United States.

邁克爾斯賓塞 - 未來經濟增長
一個研究員在胡佛研究所和經濟學教授在紐約大學斯特恩商學院,邁克爾斯賓塞獲得了諾貝爾經濟學獎於 2001年。他的最新著作是下一個融合:未來的經濟增長在一個多速世界。

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