TEDTalks2012.2.29---Peter Diamandis: 富足是我們的未來

TEDTalks2012.2.29---Peter Diamandis: 富足是我們的未來

Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future
Onstage at TED2012, Peter Diamandis makes a case for optimism -- that we'll invent, innovate and create ways to solve the challenges that loom over us. "I'm not saying we don't have our set of problems; we surely do. But ultimately, we knock them down."

舞台,彼得·迪曼蒂斯在TED2012一個樂觀的情況下 - 我們將發明,創新和創造的方式,解決了我們的挑戰,織機。 “我不是說我們沒有我們的問題,我們一定會做,但是最終,我們敲下來。”

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