Singularity University2012.4.22---Peter Diamandis:未來比你想像的富足

Singularity University2012.4.22---Peter Diamandis:未來比你想像的富足 Which Way Next? with Guest Peter Diamandis, Abundance author - Episode 003 April 11, Singularity University's Live Webcast series, Which Way Next?, featured Dr. Peter H Diamandis, co-founder and chairman of Singularity U, in discussion with Salim Ismail about his new best-selling book, Abundance -- The Future Is Better Than you Think. Diamandis presented the case that the world is getting better at an accelerating rate through the convergence of four powerful forces: the exponential advancement of technology, DIY (Do It Yourself) innovators, Techno-philanthropists, and the Rising Billion, which, acting together, will create abundance in the areas of clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier global health care, and ubiquitous energy -- helping to solve humanity's biggest challenges. Diamandis co-authored Abundance with award-winning technology writer Steven Kotler, bringing together decades of data and extensive interviews with hundreds of innovators and entrepreneurs, including Larry Page, Steven Hawking, Dean Kamen, Daniel Kahneman, Elon Musk, Bill Joy, Stewart Brand, Jeff Skoll, Ray Kurzweil, Ratan Tata, and Craig Venter. The Wall Street Journal called Abundance "a manifesto for the future that is grounded in practical solutions." The Economist Magazine said it was "a godsend for those who suffer from Armageddon fatigue!" - Sir Richard Branson said: "Abundance provides proof that the proper combination of technology, people and capital can meet any grand challenge." Peter Diamandis co-founded Singularity University with Ray Kurzweil in 2008, and currently serves as its Chairman and a member of the Faculty. He is also Founder and Chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and launching large incentive prizes to drive radical breakthroughs in the areas of exploration, energy and environment, education, global development and life sciences. Diamandis is a leading speaker on innovation, counseling senior business leaders how to utilize exponential technologies and incentivized innovation to dramatically accelerate their business and career objectives. Dr. Diamandis earned a BS in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering from MIT, and an MD from Harvard Medical School. He is also known for "Peter's Laws," including "The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!" Abundance can be purchased at: Singularity University's Which Way Next? webcast series is produced live on the campus of Singularity University and sponsored by VentureBeat, a media company covering amazing technology and why it matters in our lives. Next Singularity University Executive Program October 13-20, 2012 哪些途徑下一步?迪曼蒂斯訪客,富足的作者彼得 - 集003 4月11日,奇點大學的網上直播系列,哪種方式​​下,特色,奇異ü的共同創始人和董事長,彼得Ĥ迪曼蒂斯博士在討論他的新的暢銷書,豐富薩利姆·伊斯梅爾 - 未來更好比你想像的。 迪曼蒂斯介紹,世界是通過四個強大的力量收斂速度加快:指數的技術進步,DIY(自己動手)的創新,技術慈善家,瑞星億美元,其中,共同行動的情況下,將創造大量乾淨的水,有營養的食物,負擔得起的住房,個性化的教育,頂級的全球衛生保健,和無處不在能源領域 - 幫助解決人類面臨的最大挑戰。 迪曼蒂斯共同撰寫的豐度與屢獲殊榮的技術作家史蒂芬·科特勒,匯集幾十年的數據和數以百計的創新者和企業家,包括拉里·佩奇,史蒂芬霍金,迪安·卡門,丹尼爾·卡尼曼,伊隆麝香,比爾·喬伊,斯圖爾特·布蘭德的廣泛採訪,傑夫·斯克爾,雷庫茲威爾,拉坦•塔塔,克雷格·文特爾。 “華爾街日報”稱為富足“的未來,是切實可行的解決方案為基礎的宣言”。 “經濟學家”雜誌說,這是“為那些遭受世界末日疲勞的天賜良機!”- 理查德·布蘭森爵士說:“豐提供的證明,適當的技術組合,人員和資本可以應付任何重大挑戰。” 彼得·迪曼蒂斯創立於2008年的奇異與Ray Kurzweil的大學,目前擔任其主席和學院的成員。他也是在設計和推出大型激勵獎品勘探,能源與環境,教育,全球發展和生命科學等領域,以推動根本性的突破,從而導致世界的X獎基金會創始人和主席。迪曼蒂斯是一個創新的領導揚聲器,輔導高級業務領導人如何利用指數的技術和創新的誘因,大大加快他們的業務和職業生涯目標。迪曼蒂斯博士獲得分子遺傳學和航空航天工程學士學位,來自麻省理工學院和哈佛醫學院的醫師。他也被稱為“彼得定律”,包括“預測未來的最好方式是創造它自己!” 豐可以購買 /富足的未來更比思考

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