TEDxMU2012.4.23---Doug Pitt:非營利組織和新興世界

TEDxMU2012.4.23---Doug Pitt:非營利組織和新興世界 TEDxMU Doug Pitt: Technology, nonprofits, and the emerging world Doug Pitt is proof that we live in an international world. Doug has spent much of his career contributing to humanitarian causes in Africa. His experiences in the developing world, as well as his work as an entrepreneur, have shown him how to combat poverty by meeting basic needs in underserved communities. Using economic incentives and socially responsible business practices, we can curb social poverty and destitution while meeting basic human needs. In the process, we also give people the tools to support their own communities -- and other communities -- in the future. Doug also works at Worldserve International, Africa 6000 (so named for the 6,000 African children who die daily from waterborne disease because they have little or no uncontaminated water), and serves as the Goodwill Ambassador for the United Republic of Tanzania. He also helped found Care to Learn in 2008 to provide funding for emergent needs of southwest Missouri students in the areas of health, hunger and hygiene. Care to Learn has fulfilled over 69,000 requests from students. 道格·皮特:科技TEDxMU,非營利組織,和新興的世界 道格·皮特是證明我們生活在一個國際化的世界。道格已經花了他的職業生涯大部分在非洲的人道主義事業作出貢獻。在發展中世界,以及他的工作作為一個企業家,他的經驗,顯示了他如何對付貧窮,滿足的基本需求,在缺醫少藥的社區。使用經濟激勵和社會負責任的商業行為,我們可以遏制社會的貧困和赤貧的同時滿足人類基本需要。在這個過程中,我們也給人們的工具,以支持自己的社區 - 未來 - 和其他社區。 道格也可以在國際Worldserve,非洲6000(所以命名為6000非洲兒童死於水源性疾病的日常,因為他們有很少或根本沒有未被污染的水),並作為為坦桑尼亞聯合共和國的親善大使。他還幫助發現關懷了解,在2008年提供緊急需要的西南密蘇里學生的健康,飢餓和衛生領域的資金。注意學習,已完成從學生超過69000的要求。

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