TEDxIIT2012.5.12---Tom Tresser :禮物經濟

TEDxIIT2012.5.12---Tom Tresser :禮物經濟 TEDxIIT - Tom Tresser - The Gift Economy Tom Tresser is a self-styled creativity champion and defender of the commons. He's been a Shakespearean actor, Internet start-up refugee and community organizer. He ran for Cook County Board President in 2010 on a campaign of reform, innovation and social justice. He teaches classes on creativity and social change at the Stuart School of Business. Currently, he is involved in creating his 13th nonprofit enterprise - The CivicLab, a store front space for civic engagement. About the talk Tom Tresser proposes the idea of a Gift Economy. The economy gains momentum when people start to offer something that they have as a gift, in the forms of product, service or cash, free to the community without any strings attached. TEDxIIT - 湯姆Tresser - 禮物經濟 湯姆Tresser是一個自稱創意冠軍和下議院後衛。他是莎士比亞戲劇演員,互聯網創業的難民和社區組織者。他跑了庫克縣理事會主席在2010年的改革,創新和社會正義的運動。他任教於斯圖爾特學校商業類的創造力和社會變革。目前,他正在參與創造他的第13非營利性企業 - CivicLab,為公民參與的商店門前空間。 關於會談 湯姆Tresser提出了禮物經濟的想法。當人們開始的東西,他們有作為禮物,在產品,服務或現金的形式,免費向社會提供不附加任何條件的經濟收益勢頭。

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