TEDxLouisianaTechUniversity2012.6.1---Dr.Tims & Dr. Swanbom :推動下一代環保汽車

TEDxLouisianaTechUniversity2012.6.1---Dr.Tims & Dr. Swanbom :推動下一代環保汽車

TEDxLouisianaTechUniversity - Dr.Tims & Dr. Swanbom - "A Vehicle to Drive the Next Generation"
Dr. Heath Tims is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University He received his B.S. degree at Louisiana Tech and his M.S. and Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Michael Swanbom is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University. He received his B.S. Degree from LeTourneau University, and his M.S. and PH.D from Louisiana Tech University. In this TED talk, Dr. Tims and Dr. Swanbom discuss their experiences in the Eco Car Marathon and the importance of teaching techniques.

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TEDxLouisianaTechUniversity - Dr.Tims及博士Swanbom的 - “推動下一代汽車”


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