ARIRANG NEWS2015.8.21---朝鲜和韩国在边境交火

ARIRANG NEWS2015.8.21---朝鲜和韩国在边境交火
We begin with this breaking news...
North Korea has fired shots across the border into South Korea and Seoul has responded with artillery fire. Let′s go live to our defense ministry correspondent Kim Hyun-bin for details. Hyun-bin.
Ji-hye. It was 3:52 p.m. this afternoon that North Korea fired a rocket across the border targeting South Korea′s loudspeakers right along the military demarcation line.
Seoul defense ministry announced earlier this Thursday that a rocket was fired towards the South′s western front. but that there are no reports of any damages.
The South Korean military responded with tens of 155mm artillery rounds at the origin of attack. The ministry said its radar picked up the trajectory and Seoul′s military has been put on full alert. An evacuation order has also been issued for all residents in • area.
Meanwhile, Seoul′s National Security Council′s standing committee is expected to convene an emergency meeting at the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae to discuss the issue.
That is all I have for now but will bring more updates in our later newscasts.
朝鲜越过边境鸣枪到韩国首尔回应炮击。 让我们去现场为我们的国防部记者金贤斌的详细信息。
玄彬。 惠济。这是今天下午,朝鲜发射的火箭穿过瞄准韩国的扩音器沿军事分界线右侧边框下午3时52分。

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