Investors Trading Academy---Stochastic Oscillator随机指标

Investors Trading Academy---Stochastic Oscillator随机指标
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events. Our word of the day is “Stochastic”.
The Stochastic Oscillator is a technical indicator that moves back and forth between 0 and 100, providing a gauge of stock momentum. Developed by George C. Lane in the 1950s the main uses for the Stochastic Oscillator include divergences which can foreshadow reversals, overbought/oversold readings, bull/bear trade setups and crossovers which help pinpoint trade entries. The indicator shows how the current price compares to the highest and lowest price over the look back period. Typically the look back is 14 periods; on a weekly chart that is 14 weeks, on an hourly chart 14 hours. When the indicator is near zero it shows the price is trading near or below the lowest low during the look back period. If the indicator is near 100, the price is trading near or above the highest high during the look back period. Above 50 and the price is trading within the upper portion of the 14 period range; below 50 and the price is trading in the lower portion of the 14 period range. An asset is overbought when the Stochastic is above 80, and is oversold if the indicator is below 20. The labels are misleading though; overbought doesn’t necessarily mean the price will drop immediately, and oversold doesn’t mean the price will rally immediately. Overbought and oversold simply mean the price is trading near the top or bottom of the 14 day range, respectively. These conditions can last for a long time. Traders do use overbought and oversold levels to monitor reversals though. If the indicator is overbought -above 80 and then falls below 50, it indicates the price is moving lower. If the price was oversold -below 20 and rallies above 50 it indicates the price is moving higher.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
欢迎来到财务条款和事件的投资者交易学院讲词汇。 我们的一天中的字是“随机”。
随机摆动指标是一个技术指标,来回移动0到100之间,提供了股票动量的测量仪。由乔治·C.巷20世纪50年代进行的随机摆动指标的主要用途包括分歧可以预示反转,超买/超卖读数,多头/空头建仓和交叉,帮助找准贸易项目开发。 该指标显示了当前的价格比最高的和最低的价格在回顾期内。通常情况下,回头看14期;在周线图上的14周,小时图14小时上。 当指标接近零它显示了在回首期价目前股价接近或低于最低低。如果指标是100附近,价格在回顾期内股价接近或高于新高。上面50和价格是买卖的14周期范围的上部内;低于50且价格交易的14周期范围的较低部分。 资产是超买,当随机指标在80以上,而如果该指标低于20的超卖。 标签误导虽然;超买并不意味着价格会立即下降,而超跌并不意味着价格会马上反弹。超买和超卖只是意味着价格股价接近14天范围内的顶部或底部,分别。这些条件可以持续很长一段时间。 交易者使用超买和超卖水平,但监测逆转。如果指标是超买-above 80,然后低于50,则说明价格进入下跌通道。如果价格被超卖-below 20和集会高于50则表明价格走高。

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