Investors Trading Academy---Fibonacci numbers费波那系数

Investors Trading Academy---Fibonacci numbers费波那系数
Fibonacci numbers are a mathematical sequence of numbers that are sometime called the Golden Ratio. Many forex and commodity traders swear by the magic of these numbers and their accuracy in predicting price movement. All these numbers tend to lie near the lines of market graphs. These lines are called Fibonacci lines. There are four major types of studies done on Fibonacci's work -- fans, time zones, arcs and retracements with retracements being the most popular.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy.
斐波那契数字的编号,有时称为黄金比例的数学序列。许多外汇和大宗商品交易员指着这些数字的魔术和他们的预测价格运动的精度。所有这些数字往往在于市场附近的图的线。这些线被称为黄金分割线。有研究上的斐波那契的工作做了四种主要类型 - 风扇,时区,弧线和反弹与回调是最流行的。

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