Investors Trading Academy---Asset Allocation资产配置

Investors Trading Academy---Asset Allocation资产配置
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events.
Our word of the day is “Asset Allocation”
In the most basic sense, asset allocation is simply how one's assets are divided among different asset classes, such as cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, and so on -- even insurance investments, commodities, collectibles, and other categories count.
But the term also refers to an investment strategy -- one that can reduce risk through diversification. Clearly, having all your money in any one asset class can be risky. In 2008, the S&P 500 plunged 37 percent. If you'd held all your assets in an S&P 500 index fund, your net worth would have taken a big hit that year.
Simply put, strategic asset allocation involves taking your money and dividing it up into several pieces, which you then allocate across different types of assets. Once you've decided on how much of your money will go into each broad asset category, you then drill down and choose individual investments that fit into those categories. The first step requires two decisions. First, you need to decide what sorts of assets you want to include in your portfolio. Traditionally, asset allocation strategies usually stuck with three major asset classes: stocks, bonds, and cash. But recently, the availability of alternative investment classes like real estate, commodities, and specialized investments in private equity and hedge funds led to many investors broadening their asset allocations to include more complex combinations of assets.
After you decide which assets to include, you must then choose how much of your money to allocate to each asset class.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
从最基本的意义上,资产配置仅仅是一个人的资产是如何不同的资产类别,如现金,股票,债券,房地产等瓜分 - 甚至是保险的投资,大宗商品,收藏品等大类统计。
但是,这个词也指的是投资策略 - 一个可以通过多样化降低风险。

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