Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.9.28~10.2

Investors Trading Academy财经日历---2015.9.28~10.2
Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy economic calendar of the week. Each week our news analysts review the upcoming economic events that you should be monitoring. Last week continued to focus on central banks with Mario Draghi and Janet Yellen on the calendar. This week traders will once again focus on economic data as one month ends and the new month begins leaving the calendar full of events. This week will culminate with the US nonfarm payroll report. In China, the official purchasing managers’ index for manufacturing is released on Thursday alongside the services variant. The Caixin purchasing managers’ index is also slated for release on the same day. Traders are hoping to see an improvement in the Chinese economic situation.
Monday will be a busy day with the Mr. Putin’s speech to the UN the top event. When Russian President Vladimir Putin finally takes the UN stage on September 28, he won't need to take off his shoe and bang the podium with it like a Soviet predecessor, Nikita Khrushchev, reportedly did 55 years ago. Putin's address to the United Nations General Assembly, his first in a decade, comes as the Kremlin bangs its proverbial shoe on the world stage with growing frequency and volume. From Syria to Ukraine to the Arctic, Moscow has reset the agenda and kept Western states -- and perhaps the United States, first and foremost -- off balance and playing catch-up. There are several speakers from the Federal Reserve scheduled on Monday and once again a speech in St. Louis by Janet Yellen on Thursday. First up on Monday will be William Dudley, president of the New York Federal Reserve will give an interview for the Wall Street Journal and talk about the rate hike issue and about inflation expectations. In his former talks, Dudley spoke against a rate rise in September amid international and financial market developments, but noted he hopes the Fed will still raise rates this year.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the U.S. central bank is still prepared to raise interest rates this year for the first time in nearly a decade. Yellen said that recent inflationary weakness is temporary, caused by a strong dollar and low oil prices, which are likely to pass. She said U.S. economic prospects appear solid suggesting a rate hike is near. Market volatility is expected.
The week of September 28 to October 2 will bring three major US employment releases. The ADP private payroll report will be published on Wednesday, the weekly unemployment claims will be released on Thursday, and finally, the biggest event of the week will be on Friday when the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the September non-farm payrolls report, or NFP. The USD strength has waned as economic data posts positive numbers, yet the Federal Reserve has failed to commit to a clear rate hiking schedule sowing uncertainty and triggering volatility. The NFP is expected to announce 200,000 new jobs, but at this point it remains to be seen if that is enough for the Fed.
By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
欢迎来到本周的投资者交易学院经济日历。每个星期,我们的新闻分析检查,你应该监视即将公布的经济事件。上周继续把重点放在央行与德拉吉和珍妮特·耶伦在日历上。本周投资者将再次关注的经济数据在一个月结束,新的月份开始离开日历事件已满。本周最终将与美国非农就业报告。 在中国,官方采购经理人指数制造业周四公布旁边的服务变种。在财新采购经理人指数也将于同日发行。交易商都希望能看到中国经济形势的改善。 周一将是一天,普京的讲话在联合国的顶级盛会忙碌。当俄罗斯总统普京终于接受了联合国舞台上的9月28日,他将不再需要脱下鞋子和Bang讲台上与它像苏联前任赫鲁晓夫,据说做了55年前。
普京的地址给联合国大会,他的第一个十年中,当属克里姆林宫刘海其众所周知的鞋在世界舞台上日益增长的频率和音量。从叙利亚到乌克兰到北极,莫斯科已重置议程,并保持西方国家 - 也许美国,首先是 - 失去平衡,在追赶。
有美联储几位发言者安排在周一再次上周四在圣路易斯的演讲耶伦。首先上周一将杜德利,纽约联储主席会给接受记者采访时对华尔街日报和谈论加息问题以及通胀预期。在他以前的会谈中,杜德利表示反对升息九月之际国际金融市场的发展,但他指出,他希望美联储仍将加息在今年。 联储主席珍妮特·耶伦表示,美国央行仍准备在今年加息,第一次在近十年。耶伦表示,近期通货膨胀的疲软是暂时的,引起美元走强和低油价,这很可能通过。她说,美国的经济前景似乎固体暗示加息就不远了。市场波动性的预期。

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