Investors Trading Academy---P/E Ratio市盈率

Investors Trading Academy---P/E Ratio市盈率
Welcome to the Investors Trading Ac
demy talking glossary of financial terms and events. Our word of the day is “P/E Ratio”
The P/E ratio is an important indicator as to how the investing market views the health, performance, prospects and investment risk of a public company listed on a stock exchange (a listed company. The P/E ratio is also a highly complex concept - it's a guide to use alongside other indicators, not an absolute measure to rely on by itself. The P/E ratio is arrived at by dividing the stock or share price by the earnings per share (profit after tax and interest divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue). As earnings per share are a yearly total, the P/E ratio is also an expression of how many years it will take for earnings to cover the stock price investment. P/E ratios are best viewed over time so that they can be seen as a trend. A steadily increasing P/E ratio is seen by the investors as increasingly speculative because it takes longer for earnings to cover the stock price. Obviously whenever the stock price changes, so does the P/E ratio. More meaningful P/E analysis is conducted by looking at earnings over a period of several years. P/E ratios should also be compared over time, with other company's P/E ratios in the same market sector, and with the market as a whole.
To calculate the P/E ratio:
1. Establish total profit after tax and interest for the past year.
2. Divide this by the number of shares issued.
3. This gives you the earnings per share.
4. Divide the price of the stock or share by the earnings per share.
5. This gives the Price/Earnings or P/E ratio.

By Barry Norman, Investors Trading Academy
我们当天的词是“P / E比率”
在P / E比率是一个重要的指标,因为对投资市场如何看待在证券交易所上市的公司的状况,性能,发展前景和投资风险(上市公司。 在P / E比也非常复杂概念 - 这是一个导向以使用与其他的指标,而不是绝对的措施,以通过自身依靠。在P / E比率是由每股盈利(利润税及利息由普通股的发行数除以之后)股票或股票价格除以到达。每股收益是每年总的P / E比率也是它多少年采取收入,以支付股票价格的投资的表现。 的P / E比例是最好随时间观察,以便它们可以被看作是一种趋势。稳步增加的P / E比率由投资者越来越投机,因为它需要更长的时间收益来覆盖股价见过。显然,只要股票价格的变化,所以没有P / E比率。更有意义的P / E分析是通过查看收入超过数年时间进行。 P / E比率也应该比较随着时间的推移,在同一市场领域的其他公司的P / E比率,以及与市场整体。
为了计算P / E比率:
5.这给价格/收益或P / E比率。

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