ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.30---韓國 - 中國自由貿易區的經濟效益

ARIRANG NEWS2015.11.30---韓國 - 中國自由貿易區的經濟效益
Korea is gearing up to have this new free trade agreement take effect as early as this year. THAT means... Korean businesses will get to enjoy the benefits from tariff cuts starting January 1st. Our Kim Min-ji breaks down the economic impact from Korea, China FTA. Over the next 10 years,... the Korea-China FTA is expected to boost Korea′s real GDP by almost one percent... and create over 53-thousand new jobs. ″The government is working closely with China and modifying related rules for the trade deal to take effect this year. If this happens, tariffs will immediately be cut the day it takes effect and again on January 1st.″ Under the deal, Seoul will eliminate import tariffs on 79 percent of all products from China within a decade,... while Beijing will do the same on 71 percent of all products from Korea. In 20 years,... duties will be removed on over 90 percent of all goods. That translates to over five billion dollars less in tariffs paid by exporters every year.
″Korea′s free trade agreement with it′s largest trading partner, China,... is expected to provide new momentum for local exports,... that have fallen consistently every month this year.″ The FTA is expected to boost annual bilateral trade between the countries to more than 300 billion U.S. dollars,... up nearly 40 percent from 2012. In addition,... the deal gives Korea price competitiveness over rivals in China′s huge consumer market.
″Korea′s early advancement into the Chinese market, earlier than our competitors, like the U.S., and Australia, is critical for Korea′s long term success in the Chinese market.″ Like many other trade deals, the agriculture sector has been a sticking point. But experts say the level of liberalization for the agro-fishery sector is lower compared to Korea′s other FTAs.
″Korea was able to protect highly sensitive products, including rice. There′s going to be damage to some sectors, but we can′t say it′s entirely because of the FTA.″ The government says that further opening of China could give Korea′s agriculture sector more opportunity to make inroads into the Chinese market.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
这意味着......韩国企业将能享受关税减让开始1月1日的收益。 我们的金敏姬打破了来自韩国,中国自由贸易区的经济影响。 在接下来的10年间,......韩国 - 中国自由贸易区的预期提振韩国的实际国内生产总值由近1%......并创造超过53万人新的就业机会。 “政府正在与中国和修改相关规则的贸易协定生效,这一年。如果发生这种情况,关税将立即一天剪生效,并再次对1月1日。“ 根据协议,首尔将消除对所有来自中国的产品占79%的进口关税在十年之内,......而北京会做同样的71%的来自韩国的所有产品。 20年来,...职责将被删除,超过90%的商品。
“与之韩国的自由贸易协定的最大贸易伙伴,中国,......可望为当地出口,......已经每个月都在今年持续下降提供了新的动力。” 该自贸区有望提振两国之间的年度双边贸易超过300十亿美元,...同比​​增长近40%,从2012年开始。 此外,...这笔交易给了在中国的巨大消费市场的竞争对手韩国的价格竞争力。
“韩国的早期发展进入了中国市场,早于我们的竞争对手,如美国,澳大利亚,是韩国的长期成功在中国市场的关键。” 像其他许多贸易协定,农业部门一直是一个棘手的问题。 但专家说,相对于韩国的自由贸易协定等自由化的农业渔政部门的水平较低。
“韩国是能够保护高度敏感产品,包括大米。还有的将是损害一些行业,但我们不能说这是因为自贸区完全。“ 政府称,中国进一步开放可能给韩国的农业部门更多的机会,大举进入中国市场。

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