【Big Data】 Jen Hawes-Hewitt :我們未來城市的大數據

【Big Data】 Jen Hawes-Hewitt :我們未來城市的大數據
Within a generation, we are seeing a global race to live in cities and the explosion of big data. How do these two mega-trends intersect? Listen to this talk to: see how technology will help to transform our cities for the better, to challenge your preconceptions on the primary beneficiaries of big data, and to explore the inviting concept of the urban information marketplace
Jen is a cities geek, a long-time strategy consultant, the founding member of the Global Cities practice within Accenture. She invests her time in understanding what makes cities tick and how new technologies, particularly big data and analytics, can help cities to overcome their many challenges, cultivate their digital economy and become vibrant and sustainable places to live, work and play.
Jen works with leading cities on digital transformation. She has completed several digital city masterplans and collaborated on projects with the Professor Ratti of MIT's Senseable Cities Lab. In 20011, she co-authored “Information Marketplaces: The New Economics of Cities”. She has supported the World Economic Forum’s, Future of Urban Development programme and the British Standards Institute’s development of a Smart City Framework. In December 2014, she contributed a speech to the UK Government’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Smart Cities, entitled “The Role of Cities in the Information Age”.
仁是一个城市怪胎,一个长期的战略顾问,在埃森哲的全球城市实践的创始成员之一。她投入了她的时间了解是什么让城市蜱和如何利用新技术,特别是大数据和分析,可以帮助城市克服许多挑战,培养他们的数字经济,成为充满活力和可持续的居住,工作和娱乐。 仁的作品与数字化改造主要城市。她曾多次完成数字城市总体规划,并在合作与拉蒂教授麻省理工学院Senseable城市实验室项目。在20011,她合着了“信息交易市场:城市的新经济”。她一直支持世界经济论坛,未来城市的发展计划和英国标准协会的发展的智能城市框架。在2014年12月,她贡献了一个演讲,英国政府的议会跨党派小组在智能城市,题为“城市在信息时代中的作用”。

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