【Futurist】Thomas Frey :食品和农业的未来

【Futurist】Thomas Frey :食品和农业的未来
“The Future of Food and Farming: What the world will eat, how will we get it and where will it come from”
Produced by Beyond the Line of Sight: Farming & the Future of Food - Our confronting and thought provoking TEDx-styled event brought together a line up of highly-regarded entrepreneurial scientists, futurists and international academics before an audience of around 400 industry leaders at Auckland's Shed 10 on November 10th, in New Zealand.
When people think of farming, they typically conjure up images of a tractor cresting a hill billowing large plumes of exhaust into the air. This image will become a distant memory as automated machines, drones, and swarmbots enter the pictures. As with all industries, there are many micro-forces driving the changes in future agriculture. But there are three dominant trend lines – precision, relevance, and control – that will be driving this industry.
通过超越视线的生产:种植业和食品的未来 - 我们的对抗和发人深省的TEDx风格的活动汇集了一个阵容备受推崇的企业家科学家,未来学家和国际学术界的听众约有400行业领导者在奥克兰之前11月10日10棚,在新西兰。
当人们想到养殖,它们一般变出一台拖拉机cresting的一座小山上滚滚排气大型羽状物进入空气中的图像。此图片将成为遥远的记忆如自动机,无人驾驶飞机,并swarmbots进入图片。如同所有的行业中,也有不少微型驱动力的变化,未来的农业。但是,有三个主要的趋势线 - 精密性,相关性和控制 - 这将推动这个行业。

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