list25 ...2015.11.18---世界生活质量最高的25个城市

list25 ...2015.11.18---世界生活质量最高的25个城市
Every year American consulting firm Mercer releases its quality of life index ranking cities around the world on numerous criteria. Many companies use this list to determine compensation for employees and international expansion opportunities. The list is indexed with New York City having a score of 100 while every other city is ranked in comparison. You may have noticed that no US or UK cities made the top 25 (which is usually dominated by German speaking cities). That doesn't mean your city is a terrible place to live though. If we could continue the listing you would see numerous American and British cities popping up after number 25 and especially into the 50s. Keep in mind the world has thousands of very large cities so even being in the top 100 is quite an accomplishment. These are 25 cities that boast the highest quality of life in the world.
25.Nuremberg, Germany
24.Montreal, Canada
23.Perth, Australia
22.Brussels, Belgium
21.Stuttgart, Germany
20.Stockholm, Sweden
19.Luxembourg, Luxembourg
18.Hamburg, Germany
17.Melbourne, Australia
16.Ottawa, Canada
15.Toronto, Canada
14.Berlin, Germany
13.Bern, Switzerland
12.Wellington, New Zealand
11.Amsterdam, Netherlands
10.Sydney, Australia
9.Copenhagen, Denmark
8.Geneva, Switzerland
7.Frankfurt, Germany
6.Dusseldorf, Germany
5.Vancouver, Canada
4.Munich, Germany
3.Auckland, New Zealand
2.Zürich, Switzerland
1.Vienna, Austria

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