Talks at Google2015.11.19---Chloe Combi: Z代青少年

Talks at Google2015.11.19---Chloe Combi: Z代青少年

Chloe Combi visited Google's office in London to discuss her book "Generation Z: Their Voices, Their Lives", discussing teenagers in the UK.
About the book:
- Today’s teenagers are growing up in a world of widening social inequality, political apathy and economic uncertainty. They join gangs, are obese, have underage sex, watch porn, drink and are a menace to society.
- But they are also curious, kind, creative and worried about the future. Chloe Combi has travelled around the UK, talking with teenagers from all kinds of backgrounds about their lives, their fears and their dreams.
- Told in their voices, Generation Z is a shocking, enlightening and funny portrait of how it feels to be young and what it takes to survive and thrive on the journey to adulthood.
About Chloe:
- Chloe Combi is a former school teacher. She is a columnist for the Times Educational Supplement, and also writes for the Independent, Guardian, Marie Claire and the New Statesman. She’s a regular on TV and radio debates including Channel 4 News, Newsnight, Sky News and Woman’s Hour.
- Her work on child poverty, gangland culture and street violence granted her an invite to No. 10 and she is a consultant on youth issues for the Mayor of London. Her youth project, Write Club, has had interest from UK documentary makers.
- 今天的青少年在成长过程中日益扩大的社会不平等,政治冷漠和经济不确定性的世界。他们加入帮派,是肥胖者,有未成年人性行为,观看色情,饮品,是对社会的威胁。
- 但他们也很好奇,善良,热爱生活和对未来的担忧。克洛伊Combi机已在英国各地旅行,从各种关于他们的生活,他们的恐惧和梦想背景的青少年交谈。
- 告诉记者,在他们的声音,Z一代是怎样的感觉是年轻,它需要生存和发展的征程上到成年什么是令人震惊的,富有启发性和有趣的肖像。
- 克洛伊Combi机以前是学校的老师。她是一个专栏作家泰晤士报教育副刊,也为独立,卫报,玛丽克莱尔和新政治家写道。她是一个普通的电视和广播辩论,包括第4频道新闻,新闻之夜,天空新闻和女人的时光。
- 她对儿童贫困,黑社会文化和街头暴力工作是理所当然的了她的邀请到第10位,她是伦敦市长的青年问题顾问。她的青春的项目,写俱乐部,已经有来自英国纪录片制作人的兴趣。

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