ARIRANG NEWS2016.1.10---美國部署B-52轟炸機在朝鮮半島

ARIRANG NEWS2016.1.10---美國部署B-52轟炸機在朝鮮半島
핵미사일 탑재 'B-52' 폭격기, 한반도 전격비행
Turning to heightened defense posture resulting from North Korea's fourth nuclear test. The U.S. deployed a B-52 strategic bomber over the Korean Peninsula on Sunday,... to show it is well prepared for any additional provocations from the North.
Our Defense Ministry Correspondent Kim Hyun-bin is at the ministry of National Defense in Seoul. Hyun-bin the Strato-fortress soaring above the skies in Korea, quite a sight.

Daniel, the B-52 left its home base in Guam on Sunday morning and arrived at Osan Air Base in Gyeonggi-do province at noon.
Military officials from the U.S. and South Korea said in a statement... the bomber was equipped with nuclear missiles and bunker buster bombs that are capable of targeting underground facilities.
"B-52 missions reinforce the U.S. commitment to the security of our allies and partners and demonstrate one of the many alliance capabilities available in the defense of the Republic of Korea."
The bomber was accompanied by two South Korean F-15Ks and two U.S. F-16s and flew over Osan before returning to Guam.
It only takes four hours for the bomber to get to the Korean peninsula from its home base in Guam,... and the B-52 is capable of bombing targets that are three-thousand kilometers away. The deployment was arranged as part of the nuclear umbrella the U.S. provides to its Northeast Asian ally. The statement says... the deployment is to warn North Korea that South Korea and the U.S. are prepared to retaliate if the North conducts any additional provocations. The two allies also said they plan to take further military counteractions down the road in the wake of the North Korean nuclear test.
Seoul-based Yonhap News reports that could include an additional deployment of the nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, which is currently based in Japan, and F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets.
Hyun-bin, I hear that Korea's defense chief paid a visit to South Korea's missile command yesterday. What can you tell us about that?
South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo visited the missile command on Saturday and called on the troops to retaliate speedily and accurately and without hesitation to any provocations by North Korea. Han's visit is part of a series of military counteractions South Korea has taken after the North's nuclear test. South Korea resumed its anti-North loudspeaker broadcasts along the inter-Korean border on Friday, prompting North Korea to resume its own loudspeaker broadcasts later in the day. Han said the missile command gives the South Korean people confidence and strikes fear in South Korea's enemies, adding that it will become a core strike unit of the Kill Chain system. The missile unit is in charge of countering North Korea's nuclear and missile threats. Back to you.
美国部署在周日朝鲜半岛上空一架B-52战略轰炸机,...,以显示它是来自北方的任何额外的挑衅做好了充分准备。 我们的国防部记者金贤斌为国防在首尔的事工。
丹尼尔,B-52轰炸机留在关岛的基地上周日上午,抵达乌山空军基地在京畿道省中午。 美国和韩国军方官员称,在一份声明中...轰炸机装备有核导弹和地堡终结者炸弹能够针对地下设施。
只需要四个小时轰炸机到达朝鲜半岛的关岛,它的大本营......和B-52能够是三千公里外的轰炸目标。 部署被安排为核保护伞,美国提供给它的东北亚盟国的一部分。
声明说...部署是为了警告朝鲜,韩国和美国正准备采取报复行动,如果朝鲜进行任何额外的挑衅。 这两个盟国也表示,他们计划采取进一步的军事对应措施倒在朝鲜核试验之后的道路。
玄彬,我听说韩国的国防部长参观了韩国的导弹司令部昨天。 你能介绍一下吗?
韩正说,导弹命令给韩国民众的信心和罢工担心在韩国的敌人,并说这将成为杀伤链系统的核心罢工单位。 导弹部队负责打击朝鲜的核和导弹威胁。

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