The Daily Conversation2016.1.31---中國未來大型項目(第5/大連煙台海底隧道)

The Daily Conversation2016.1.31---中國未來大型項目(第5/大連煙台海底隧道)
China is building the world’s longest underwater tunnel beneath the Bohai Sea--at 76 miles long it will pass through two deadly earthquake fault zones, will be longer than the current first and second-ranked underwater tunnels combined and will cost $42 billion.
中国正在建造世界上最长的海底隧道,渤海之下 - 在76英里长会经过两个致命的地震断裂带,会比目前的第一和第二位的海底隧道相结合更长,将花费$42十亿

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