ARIRANG NEWS2016.3.14---Samsung Group品牌價值位居世界第三

ARIRANG NEWS2016.3.14---Samsung Group品牌價值位居世界第三
삼성 브랜드가치 99조... 세계 3위 + 한국 억만장자 중 상속자 74%… 세계 5번째 많아
Korea's largest conglomerate Samsung Group has seen its global brand value rise in dollar terms,... but its ranking has fallen a notch from last year.
Samsung's arch rival Apple easily topped this year's list.
Kim Min-ji updates us on where the tech giant stands.
Over 83 billion U.S. dollars.
That's the brand value of Samsung,... Korea's top business group.
According to UK-based industry tracker Brand Finance,... that's up one-point-eight percent from a year ago,... and puts Samsung in third place.
Brand value is measured by taking into account various factors, such as brand strength, brand loyalty and brand revenues.
The world's most valuable brand was Apple,... at 145-point-nine billion dollars,... up 14 percent on-year. Google ranked second,... rising a notch from the previous year.
Other Korean conglomerates on the list included Hyundai in 36th,... and LG Group in 102nd.
And the wealthier these brands are,... the richer their owners tend to be.
But how many of the world's richest people are self-made billionaires and how many inherited their vast wealth?
According to the U.S. Peterson Institute for International Economics,... in Korea,... most of the country's biggest business groups have been passed down through the controlling families,... with three out of four billionaires in Korea inheriting their wealth. That puts Korea in fifth place,... among 67 countries.
Finland and Kuwait topped the list at 100 percent,... meaning all billionaires inherited their wealth,... while in Russia,... all billionaires were self-made.
Taking a look at some major economies,... only two percent of billionaires in China inherited their wealth. The corresponding figure stood at 18 percent for Japan and 28 percent for the U.S. Worldwide, those who succeeded on their own have been on the rise.
In 1996, the proportion stood at 44 percent,... but by 2014 it reached 69 percent,... surpassing the figure of billionaires who inherited their wealth.
However, in Korea,... the number is still relatively low at 26 percent.
Experts attribute the trend to Korea's chaebol-centered economic structure,... and people's preference for stable jobs.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
而富裕的这些品牌,...更丰富它们的主人往往会。 但是,如何在世界上最富有的人很多是白手起家的亿万富翁,有多少继承了他们巨大的财富?
根据美国彼得森国际经济研究所,...在韩国,最...该国最大的商业团体已通过控股家族传下来的,......与韩国四分之三的亿万富翁继承他们的财富。 这使韩国在第五位,... 67的国家之一。
芬兰和科威特位居榜首为100%,...这意味着所有的亿万富翁继承他们的财富,...而在俄罗斯,... ...所有的亿万富翁们自制。 纵观一些主要经济体,......只有两个在中国的亿万富翁%的继承了他们的财富。
相应的数字为日本18%和28%的美国 在世界范围内,那些谁对自己的成功一直在上升。 1996年,该比例为44%,......而到2014年则达到了69%,超过了...谁继承他们的财富富豪的身影。

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