Ted Talks2016.3.29---Caleb Harper :未來電腦將增長你的食物

Ted Talks2016.3.29---Caleb Harper :未來電腦將增長你的食物
What if we could grow delicious, nutrient-dense food, indoors anywhere in the world? Caleb Harper, director of the Open Agriculture Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, wants to change the food system by connecting growers with technology. Get to know Harper's "food computers" and catch a glimpse of what the future of farming might look like.

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0:07the news every day but what is it some places in the world it's too little food 0:19maybe too much other places GMO is saving the world maybe TMO is the 0:25problem too much agricultural runoff creating that oceans toxic oceans 0:31attenuation of nutrition they go on and on and I find the current climate of 0:37this discussion incredibly this empowering so how do we bring that to 0:42something that we understand how is this Apple food crisis in an apple and last 0:49week I'm sure how old do you think it was from when it was picked two weeks to 0:56months 11 months the average age of an apple and a grocery store in the United

1:03States and I don't expect it to be much different in Europe or anywhere else in 1:06the world we pick them we put them in cold storage 1:10gas the cold storage there's actually documented proof of workers shine to go 1:15into these environments to retrieve an apple and dying because the atmosphere 1:20that they slow down the process of the Apple is also toxic to humans 1:25how is that that none of you know this why didn't I know this ninety percent of 1:29the quality of an apple all the antioxidants are gone by the time we get 1:33it it's basically a little ball of sugar how did we get so information for and 1:41how can we do better I think what's missing is a platform I know platforms I 1:47know computers they put me on the internet when I was young I did very 1:50weird things on this platform but I met people and I could express myself how do 1:56you express yourself in food if we had a platform we might feel empowered to

2:02question what if for me I question what if climate was democratic so this is a 2:10map of climate the world's most productive areas in green the least 2:13productive in red they shift in a change in californian farmers now become 2:18Mexican farmers China picks up 2:20plant in Brazil to grow better food and where slaves to climate what if each 2:27country has its own productive climate what would that change about how we live 2:31what would that change about quality of life in nutrition last generations 2:37problem was we need more food and we need a cheap welcome to your global farm 2:42we built a huge analog farm all these traces 2:47cars planes trains and automobiles it's a miracle that we feed seven billion 2:53people are just a few of us involved in the production of food what if we built

3:00a digital farm a digital world farm what if you can't take this Apple digitizes 3:06somehow send it through particles in the air and reconstituted on the other side 3:13going through some of these quotes you know they inspire me to do what i do 3:19first one Japanese farming has no used no water no land no future that's what I 3:25landed to the day that I went to Manami Sandra Q one stop south of Fukushima 3:29after the disaster the kids have headed to Sendai in Tokyo the land is 3:34contaminated they already imports seventy percent of their own food but 3:37it's not unique to Japan 2 percent of the American population is involved in 3:43farming what good answer comes from two percent of any population as we go round 3:50the world 3:5150% of the African population is under eighteen eighty percent don't want to be 3:57farmers farming is hard

4:00the life of a small shareholder farmer is miserable they go into the city in 4:06India farmers families not being able to have basic access to utilities more 4:12farmer suicides this year and the previous 10 before that it's 4:15uncomfortable to talk about where they going into the city no young people and 4:22everyone's headed in so how do we build this platform that inspires the use 4:26welcome to the new tractor right this is my combine a number of years ago now I 4:33went to bed 4:34and beyond and Home Depot and I started hacking and I built silly sayings and I 4:38made plants dance and I attach them to my computer and I killed them all a lot 4:43and I eventually got them to survive and I created one of the most intimate 4:48relationships I've ever had in my life because I was learning the language of 4:53plants so I wanted to make it bigger they said knock yourself out here is an 4:58old electronics room that nobody wants what can you do with my team we built a

5:04farm inside of the Media Lab place historically known not for anything 5:08about biology but everything about digital life inside of this 60 square 5:13feet 5:14we produce enough food to feed about 300 people once a month not a lot of food 5:19and there's been a lot of interesting technology in there but the most 5:22interesting thing beautiful white roots deep green colors and a monthly harvest 5:30is this a new cafeteria is this a new retail experience do grocery store I can 5:40tell you one thing for sure this is the first time anybody in the Media Lab rip 5:44the roots off of anything 5:47retailers sell it in bags there's nothing wrong with that but what happens 5:53when you have an image-based processing expert a data scientist a robot assist

6:00ripping roofs off and thinking her I know something about I can make this 6:05happen I want to try in that process we would bring the plants out and then we 6:10would take some back to the lab because if you grew it you don't throw it away 6:12precious to you and I have this weird tongue now because I'm afraid to let 6:16anybody eat anything until I hate it first because I wanted to be good so I 6:21you'd let us every day and I can tell the pH of a let us within point 1 I'm 6:25like that's 641 6:28today that day was hyper sweet it was hyper sweet because the plan had been 6:38stressed and it created a chemical reaction in the plan to protect itself 6:42I'm not gonna die and the plants not going to die 6:46taste sweet to me technologists falling backwards and plant physiology so we 6:51thought other people need to be able to try this we want to see what people can 6:54create so we conceived of a lab that could be shipped anywhere and then we 6:59built it so on the side of the Media Lab is my lab that has about 30 points of

7:05sensing per plant so if you know about the genome or genetics this is the fee 7:12no right the phenomenon when you say I like the strawberries from Mexico you 7:17really like the strawberries from the climate that produced the expression 7:19that you like so if your coding climate this much 02 / 02 creates arrest be your 7:27code in the expression of that plant the nutrition of that plant the size of that 7:31plan to shape the color the texture we need data so we put a bunch of sensors 7:38in there to tell us what's going on if you think of your houseplants and you 7:41are you super sad to see you like why are you dying 7:45won't you talk to me farmers develop the most beautiful fortune-telling eyes by 7:51the time they're in their late sixties and seventies they can tell you when you 7:54see that it's a nitrogen deficiency of calcium deficiency or it needs more 7:58humidity those beautiful eyes are not being passed down these arise in the

8:03cloud of a farmer which renders data points over time we correlate those data 8:10points to individual plants these are all the broccoli in my lab that day my 8:14IP address we have IP addressable broccoli 8:25you can click one and you get a plant profile what this tells you is 8:31downloadable progress on that plan but not like you think it's not just when 8:34it's ready we just achieve the nutrition that I need when does it achieve the 8:39taste that I desire is it getting too much water is getting too much Sun 8:44alerts it can talk to me it's conversent we have a language 8:50I think I think of that as the first user on the plant Facebook right at a

9:01plant profile on that plant will start making friends and I mean that they will 9:06make friends with other plants that use less nitrogen or phosphorus potassium 9:10we're gonna learn about a complexity that we can only guess at now and they 9:16may not friends back I don't know that my friend is back and depends on how we 9:19act so this is my lab now it's a little bit more systematize my background is 9:25designing data centers and hospitals of all things so I know a little bit about 9:29creating a controlled environment and so inside of us environment where 9:34experiments and all kinds of things you know this process aeroponics it was 9:39developed by nasa from mir space station for reducing the amount of water they 9:42sent into space but it really does exactly what it wants 9:46water minerals and oxygen roots are not that complicated so when you give them 9:50that you get this amazing expression it's like the plant has two hearts and 9:57because it has two hearts across four five times faster to perfect well we've

10:03got a long way into technology and seed for an adverse world we're gonna 10:07continue to do that we're gonna have a new tool to which is perfect world so 10:12we've grown all kinds of things these tomatoes hadn't been in commercial 10:15production four hundred and fifty years do you know that we have we're an 10:20ancient see banks banks of sweet it's amazing they have germplasm alive and 10:26things that you've never eaten I'm the only person in this room that's kind of 10:30tomato problem is it was a sauce tomato we don't know how to cook so we just ate 10:34a sauce tomato it's not that great but we've done things with protein we've 10:38grown all kinds of things we've grown humans 10:41but we didn't but we realized is the tour was too big it was too expensive I 10:49was starting to put them around the world and they were about $100,000 so 10:53find somebody with a hundred grand back pocket isn't so easy so we want to make 10:56a small one so this project was actually one of my students mechanical

11:00engineering undergraduates 11:02so Camille and I and my team we generated all summer how to make it 11:07cheaper how to make it work better how to make it so other people can make it 11:10and then we drop them off in schools 11:13seventh through 11th grade and if you want to be humbled try to teach kids 11:17something so I went to the school s had set it to 65% humidity seventh grader 11:22said what's humidity I said all its water and air he said there's no water 11:26in the area and I was like I don't trust me actually don't trust me right 11:33said it two hundred 200 and what happens it starts to condense make a fog and 11:38eventually drip and he says oh humidity's rain why did you just tell me 11:44that we've created an interface for this it's much like a game so they have a 3d 11:51environment that can login to anywhere in the world on their smartphone or 11:54tablet they have different parts of the box of physical the sensors they select 11:58recipes that have been created by other kids anywhere in the world they select

12:02and activate that recipe they plant a seed Li while it's growing they make 12:07changes they're like why does it need co2 anyway isn't CEO too bad it kills 12:10people 12:11cranked up co2 plant dies or down co2 plant does very well 12:17harvest plant and you've created a new digital recipe it's an iterative design 12:23and development and exploration process they can download then all of the data 12:28about that new plant that they develop the new digital recipe and wanted to do 12:31was it was a better with imagine these little course of processing we're gonna 12:37learn so much so here's one of the food computers as we call them in a school in 12:43three weeks time right this is three weeks but more importantly was the first 12:49time that this kid ever thought that he could be a farmer or that he would want 12:54to be a fire 12:55so we've open source all of this so online go home try to build your first

13:00food computer it's going to be difficult I'm just telling you we're in the 13:03beginning but it's all there it's very important to me that this is easily 13:07accessible we're gonna keep making it more so these are farmers electrical 13:13engineer mechanical engineer environmental engineer computer 13:16scientist plant scientists economist urban planners on one platform doing 13:22what they're good at but we got a little too big I am proud to announce this is 13:26my new facility that I'm just starting this warehouse could be anywhere that's 13:30why I chose it and inside of this warehouse where to build something like 13:34this 13:35these exist right now take a look at it 13:39these exist 21 grows dreams one grows Ebola vaccine pretty amazing the plants 13:47and this DARPA Grand Challenge winner is one of the reasons we're getting ahead 13:51of Apple the plants are producing the protein that's ebola resistant so 13:57pharmaceuticals nutraceuticals all the way down to let us but these two things

14:02look nothing alike and that's where I am with my field everything is different in 14:07that weird we're alright stage and it's like here's my black box no by mine no 14:14not at all I've got intellectual properties stolen valuable don't buy his 14:16mind and the reality is we're just at the beginning in a time when society is 14:22shifting to when we asked for more cheaper food we're not asking for her 14:26environmentally friendly food and then you have mcdonald's advertising what's 14:32in the Chicken McNugget the most mysterious food item of all time they 14:36are now facing their marketing plan on that everything is changing so into the 14:41world now personal food computers food servers and data centers run on the open 14:52phenom think open genome but we're going to put little climate recipes like 14:56Wikipedia that you can pull down actuate and grow what does this look like in a

15:04world we remember the world connected by strings start having Beacons 15:08we start sending information about food rather than sending food is not just my 15:13fantasy this is where we're already deployed through computers servers 15:18soon-to-be food data centers connecting people together to share information 15:24the future of food is not about five min over what's wrong with this we know 15:30what's wrong with this 15:33the future of food is about networking the next one billion farmers and 15:37empowering them with a platform to ask and answer the question 15:42thank you

0:00译者:马克西莫·埃尔南德斯阿曼多·桑切斯评论者:吉娜·弗洛雷斯 0:13粮食危机。 0:14它每天都在新闻中。 0:16但究竟是什么? 0:17在世界的某些地方有很少的食物, 0:20太少。 0:21在其他国家,转基因生物,转基因生物,拯救世界。 0:24也许是转基因生物的问题呢? 0:27过量农业径流产生不好的海洋,海洋毒性, 0:30衰减营养。 0:32他们继续下去。 0:34我看到这个讨论当前气候 0:38这是令人难以置信的效率低下。 0:41那么,如何理解? 0:45如何与苹果这种粮食危机? 0:48每个人都有吃在上周一个苹果,我敢肯定。 0:51他们没想到它收集的时间有多长? 0:55两个星期? 0:56两个月? 0:58十一个月...

1:00平均年龄是苹果在美国商店 1:03而且我不认为这是在欧洲很不同 1:05还是在世界其他地方。 1:07我们收集, 1:08把它们放在一个冷库, 1:10我们打​​开冷藏。 1:12事实上,有文件证明 1:13工作人员试图进入这些环境 1:16抢苹果 1:17他们死了, 1:19因为大气 1:20这会降低苹果的是对人体有毒的处理。 1:25怎么没有人知道? 1:27他们为什么不知道? 1:29 90%以上的苹果品质, 1:31当我们吃所有的抗氧化剂都将丢失。 1:34它基本上是一块糖。 1:38我们如何成为信息这么差 1:40以及我们如何能做得更好? 1:43我觉得一个平台失踪。 1:46被平台,电脑知道 1:48我是把互联网上的他年轻的时候。 1:50我做了很奇怪的事情... 1:51 (笑声) 1:52在这个平台上。 1:54但我遇到的人,我可以表达我自己。 1:56如何表达一种对食物? 1:58如果我们有一个平台,

2:00我们可以问,如果有什么问题? 2:04在我来说,我问: 2:05如果气候是民主? 2:09这是一个世界地图的气候。 2:11在生产力较低的红绿色领域的生产力。 2:15改变和变化, 2:16和加利福尼亚州的农民现在墨西哥农民。 2:20中国土地收集在巴西种植更好的食物, 2:23我们身为奴隶的气候。 2:26如果每个国家都有自己的生产环境? 2:29怎么会是改变我们的生活? 2:32你将如何改变生活和营养质量? 2:36问题是最后一代,我们需要更多的食物 2:39我们需要便宜。 2:41欢迎来到全球农场。 2:43我们已经建立了一个巨大的模拟农场。 2:45所有的这些线, 2:47他们是汽车,飞机,火车和汽车。 2:50这是一个奇迹,我们养活7000万人 2:53仅涉及食品生产几。 2:57该怎么办...... 2:59我们建立了一个数字农场吗?

3:01全球数字农场。 3:02如果你把这个苹果, 3:06数字化的莫名其妙, 3:07通过空气中的颗粒发送 3:10和重建的另一边? 3:13如果? 3:15其中一些报价, 3:17我激励我做我想做的。 3:19第一: 3:20 “日本农业已经没有青春,没有水,没有土地,没有未来。” 3:24这是我登陆去南三陆天, 3:28福岛县南, 3:30经过灾难。 3:31孩子们去了仙台,东京, 3:34土地被污染, 3:35进口它自己的食物70%。 3:38但它不是唯一的日本。 3:40 “美国人口的2%,是从事农业。” 3:45有什么解决办法可以给我们人口的2%? 3:49当我们回顾了世界各地, 3:51 “非洲人口的50%是18岁以下。 3:55 80%的人不希望成为一个农民。“ 3:58农业是困难的。

4:00小农场主的生活是悲惨的。 4:05他们去的城市。 4:06在印度: 4:08农民家庭没有基本的公共服务, 4:11已经有更多的农民自杀,今年比10往年。 4:15这是不舒服谈论这个。 4:17他们在哪里去了? 4:18一个城市。 4:20不仅是年轻人,大家都到城市。 4:23那么,如何才能建立这个平台,激发年轻人? 4:27欢迎新拖拉机。 4:29这是我结合起来。 4:32几年前 4:33我去了“浴床和超越”和“家得宝” 4:35我开始介入。 4:36我建无聊的事情 4:38和我做了跳舞的植物 4:39我连接到我的电脑 4:41我把他们都杀光, 4:42许多。 4:44 (笑声) 4:45最后,我设法生存。 4:47我创建了最亲密的关系之一 4:49我已经在我的生活, 4:51因为我是学植物的语言。 4:55我想走得更远。 4:56我说,“noquéalas,男孩, 4:58有没有人使用的旧电子产品的房间。

5:00你可以用它做什么?“ 5:02与我的团队,我们确实在媒体实验室的一个农场, 5:06历史的地方,从生物学的远 5:09但接近数字生活。 5:12在这5万平方米,我们生产足够的食物 5:14养活约300人,每月一次, 5:17是不宜多食。 5:19并有许多有趣的技术出现。 5:21但最有趣的? 5:24美丽的白根, 5:26深绿颜色 5:29和每月的收获。 5:31这是一个新的食堂? 5:34这是一个全新的零售体验? 5:38它是一个新的杂货店? 5:39不过我可以告诉你一件事: 5:42这是第一次 5:43有人在媒体实验室撕毁的东西的根源。 5:46 (笑声) 5:48我们买了我们的袋装沙拉; 5:50没有什么不妥。 5:52但是,发生了什么 5:53当你有一个专家在图像处理中, 5:57科学数据, 5:58在机器人技术专家,

6:00拉根和思考: 6:02 “我对此有所了解? 6:04你可以做这项工作,我想试试。“ 6:07在这个过程中,我们会得到植物 6:09并沿着一些带回实验室获得, 6:11因为如果你培养,他们不会扔掉; 6:13它是一个有价值的。 6:15我现在有这个奇怪的语言, 6:16担心有人吃东西,直到你有没有吃过首先, 6:20因为我希望它是好的。 6:21因此,作为生菜每一天 6:23我可以说内.1生菜的pH值。 6:25 (笑声) 6:26我说:“不,这是6.1,不,不,你不能吃的今天。” 6:29 (掌声) 6:34这莴苣的日子过的很甜蜜。 6:37他很甜蜜,因为该工厂压力太大了 6:39他引发了保护自己工厂的化学反应: 6:43 “我不会死!” 6:44而植物非I-死了,有甜味给我。 6:48技师回去植物生理学。 6:51因此,我们认为,其他人需要尝试。 6:54我们希望看到的人能创造什么, 6:56让我们设想,可以随意移动的实验室。 6:59然后我们建立它。

7:01在媒体实验室的门面是我的实验室, 7:04其中有每株约30传感器。 7:08如果他们了解基因组或遗传, 7:11这是phenome,对不对? 7:13现象。 7:14当你说,“我喜欢从墨西哥草莓” 7:17真的很喜欢草莓气候 7:19产生他们喜欢的表达。 7:21所以,如果你编码的气候, 7:24这两个CO2,这一数额的O2,配方被创建,编码 7:27该工厂的表达,即植物营养, 7:30植物大小,形状,颜色,质地。 7:35我们需要的数据, 7:36所以我们把许多传感器 7:38要知道这是怎么回事。 7:39如果你觉得你的房子的植物, 7:41看看 7:42他们很伤心,他们说,你知道, 7:44 “你为什么要死了吗?难道你不喜欢和我说话?” 7:46 (笑声) 7:48农民开发的最美丽的眼睛占卜者 7:51在60年代末和70年代。 7:53看到一个垂死的工厂时,您可以告诉 7:55如果它是氮缺乏,钙 7:58或者你需要更多的水分。 7:59那双美丽的眼睛是不能继承的。

8:03是农民的云的眼睛。 8:06我们收集这些数据随着时间的推移。 8:08我们每个工厂相关的数据。 8:11这些都是在我的实验室的那一天所有的西兰花,通过其IP地址。 8:15 (笑声) 8:16我们brócolisIP地址。 8:20 (掌声) 8:24如果这还不够奇怪, 8:27他们可以点击并获得植物配置文件。 8:29和它告诉我们植物的可下载的进度, 8:32但他们可能不会这样想, 8:34它的发生不仅准备好。 8:35当你得到营养,我需要? 8:37当你得到你想要的味道? 8:41你有太多的水? 8:42确实太阳光? 8:44警报。 8:46他们可以跟我说话,说话, 8:47我们有一个语言。 8:50 (笑声) 8:53 (掌声) 8:56我觉得作为第一个用户的Facebook厂,对不对?

9:00这是在植物的轮廓 9:02而该工厂将开始交朋友。 9:04 (笑声) 9:05我的意思是,将其他植物的朋友 9:08他们正在使用更少的氮,更磷, 9:10少钾。 9:11我们将了解的复杂性 9:13其中,我们只能想现在。 9:16也许不接受我们的朋友,不知道,也许是的, 9:19这取决于我们如何行动。 9:20这是我的实验室了。 9:23这是一个小更系统化, 9:25我的经验是在医院设计数据中心, 9:28所以我知道一点关于建立受控环境。 9:31然后, 9:32这种环境中, 9:34我们尝试了各种各样的事情。 9:36这个过程中,aeroponics,是由美国航空航天局的和平号空间站研制 9:40以减少送入空间的水的量。 9:43它确实是给你想要什么植物: 9:46水,矿物质和氧气。 9:48的根源是没有那么复杂, 9:49当你给,你得到这个令人难以置信的表情。 9:54这是因为如果工厂有两个心。 9:57而且因为它有两颗心, 9:59它生长更快的四到五倍。

10:02这是一个完美的世界。 10:03我们拥有先进的技术和文化的世界 10:06不利的,我们将继续这样做, 10:08但我们需要一个新的工具,也是如此, 10:10这是完美的世界。 10:12因此,我们已经长大各种各样的事情。 10:14这些西红柿没有销售了150年。 10:18你知不知道银行有稀有和古老的种子? 10:22种子库。 10:24这是惊人的。 10:25他们住种质和事情都吃过。 10:28我在这个房间里谁吃了那种番茄的唯一的人。 10:31问题是,这是一个番茄酱,不知道怎么做, 10:34所以我们吃了番茄酱,这不是什么难事。 10:37但是,我们已经做了蛋白质的东西,我们已经长大各种各样的事情。 10:40我们已经长大的人。 10:42 (笑声) 10:44好了,我们可以,但我们没有。 10:45但是,我们意识到, 10:47该工具是太大,价格昂贵。 10:49我开始把他们的全球 10:51他们大约10万美元。 10:53找人带10万美元的钱包不容易, 10:56所以我们做一点点。 10:58该项目实际上是我的一个学生

11:00机械工程,卡米尔。 11:03因此卡米尔,我和我的团队, 11:05我们的工作整个夏天, 11:06如何让它更便宜,更好地工作, 11:09如何做到这一点,以便其他人可以使用它。 11:11然后,我们给学校师生,从第七至十一年级。 11:15如果你想被羞辱,试图教的东西给孩子。 11:18所以我去了这所学校,我说, 11:19 “设置到65%的水分。” 11:21第七年级的学生说,“什么是湿度?” 11:24我说,“这是空气中的水”。 11:26他说:“有一个在空气中没有水,傻了。” 11:28 (笑声) 11:29我说:“好吧,不信任我。 11:31事实上,不信任我。 11:33把100。 11:34他把100会发生什么? 11:36它开始凝结,并最终滴水雾。 11:39他说:“阿水分是雨.. 11:43你为什么不告诉我?“ 11:45 (笑声) 11:47我们创造了一个非常类似于游戏界面。 11:50拥有3D环境, 11:51它可以在世界任何地方进行访问 11:53与手机,与平板电脑。 11:55他们有机器人,物理学,传感器的不同部分。 11:58选择其他的孩子创建的配方

12:01在世界上的任何地方。 12:02选择并激活配方,他们厂生产的种子。 12:06随着年龄的增长,他们做出改变。 12:08他们说,“你为什么需要一个二氧化碳的植物?不坏CO2? 12:11杀死人。“ 12:12以增加CO 2的体积,植物死亡。 12:14通过降低二氧化碳,植物做得非常好。 12:17粒植物, 12:19并创建了一个新的数字食谱。 12:21这是一个反复的设计和开发 12:23和探索的过程。 12:25他们可以下载,然后 12:27关于新工厂开发的所有数据 12:30还是新的数字配方和他们是如何, 12:32是不是比以前好还是坏? 12:33把它想象成小的处理核心。 12:36我们会学到很多东西。 12:39这是食品的计算机之一,因为我们给他们打电话, 12:42在三个星期的一所学校。 12:45此为3周的增长。 12:47但最重要的, 12:49这是首次这家伙想这可能是一个农民, 12:53或者你想成为一个农民。 12:56一切都是开源的,一切都在网上。 12:58回家,尝试建立第一台计算机的食物。

13:01这将是困难的,我警告你。 13:03我们开始的,但一切都在那里。 13:05这对我来说很重要的是方便。 13:08让我们保持更加的方式。 13:10这些都是农民, 13:13电气工程师,机械工程师, 13:14环境工程师,计算机科学家, 13:17植物科学家,经济学家,城市规划师。 13:20在一个平台上,他们正在研究他们所擅长。 13:22但是,我们去有点远。 13:24这是我的新格局,我开始。 13:27这家商店可以在任何地方。 13:30这就是为什么我选择了它。 13:31而这个商店内 13:33我们将建立这样的事情。 13:35这些存在的今天。 13:37看看这个。 13:40这些都是,太多。 13:42植物培育, 13:43一个人长大针对埃博拉病毒的疫苗。 13:46相当惊人的植物,这赢得DARPA挑战赛 13:50是为什么我们击败了埃博拉病毒的原因。 13:53植物产生的蛋白是埃博拉抗性。 13:57所以医药品,营养品, 13:59到生菜。

14:01这两件事情不看任何东西, 14:03并有我与我的领域。 14:05一切都不同了。 14:07我们是如此罕见的舞台“非常” 14:10它就像,“这是我的黑匣子”。 14:12 “不,买矿”。 14:13 “不,不,不,我的知识产权是有价值的完​​全。 14:17不要买,买我的。“ 14:18而现实情况是,我们只是在一开始, 14:21在的时候,社会也在发生变化。 14:23当寻找更便宜的食品, 14:25现在我们正在寻找更好的食物与环境。 14:28并与广告麦当劳麦乐鸡, 14:33最神秘的所有时间的食物, 14:36现在来穗营销计划, 14:38一切都在变化。 14:40当今世界, 14:41个人电脑的食物, 14:44食品服务器 14:47和数据中心的食物 14:50它们在打开phenome运行。 14:53想想开放的基因组,我们将小食谱气候, 14:56像维基百科, 14:57它们可以被降低,激活和生长。

15:03在这个世界如何呢? 15:05记得线连接世界吗? 15:07我们改变有大灯。 15:09我们开始发送关于食品的信息, 15:11而不是送菜。 15:13这不只是我的幻想, 15:14这就是我们已经部署。 15:17计算机和服务器的食品, 15:19即将数据中心的食物, 15:21连人一起共享信息。 15:24食品的未来将不会对什么是错的这场战斗。 15:30我们知道什么是错。 15:33食品的未来是网络十亿农民 15:37为他们提供一个平台, 15:39要问和回答。 15:42 “如果?” 15:44谢谢。 15:44 (掌声)

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