ARIRANG NEWS2016.5.26---韓國-Ethiopia經濟合作

ARIRANG NEWS2016.5.26---韓國-Ethiopia經濟合作
한-에티반기문, "북 도발 중단하라... 아시에에서의 협력 강화"오피아 정상회담.. 양국 사상 최대 경제 성과 나올 듯
President Park Geun-hye is in Ethiopia -- the first stop of her three-nation Africa trip. She will hold summit talks with Ethiopia's prime minister and the president... with the goal of enhancing economic ties and cooperation in various fields. For more, we turn to our presidential office correspondent Song Ji-sun, who is on the line from Addis Ababa. Ji-sun, what can we expect from tonight's summit?
President Park was greeted by Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn upon landing at the airport. Not long from now, the two will soon sit down for talks, and they are expected to seal dozens of deals... in order to enhance economic cooperation in multiple fields. Among the agreements is a planned textile complex covering 100 hectares, or one square kilometer. The project is expected to give Korean investors a competitive edge in production costs. "Ethiopia has a strong textile industry, with production costs that are about 30-percent lower than in China. Korea's entry into the Ethiopian market will enable us to send exports to the U.S. and the EU without tariffs."
Seoul will also take a greater role in Ethiopian infrastructure projects in transportation, power generation and urban development. Korea will also offer its knowledge in high value-added sectors... like science and technology, energy, e-government and customs. Another highlight of the president's state visit is the launch of Korea Aid -- a new official development aid program offering food, health and cultural services. "In our bid to support Africa's ability to achieve its sustainable development goals for 2030, adopted at the UN last year,... Seoul will launch Korea Aid, a comprehensive development project that covers healthcare, food and culture, leaving no area left behind."
President Park will also sit down with Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome,... and the two are expected to discuss topics from peacekeeping and defense... to climate change.
The two leaders are also expected to share their views on the North Korea nuclear issue,... and the outcome could serve as an example for other African countries to implement the UN sanctions on Pyongyang. Later this evening, President Park will attend a state banquet at the presidential palace. I'll have more details on the talks... when the summits come to an end later tonight. Back to you in Seoul.
主席朴槿惠是在埃塞俄比亚 - 她的三个国非洲之旅的第一站。 她将与埃塞俄比亚总理和总统举行首脑会谈......以加强经济关系和各领域合作的目标。 欲了解更多,我们把我们的总统办公室通讯员宋智阳光,谁是从亚的斯亚贝巴就行了。 继阳光,我们能从今天的峰会期望?
公园总统后降落在机场迎接埃塞俄比亚总理海尔马里亚姆·德萨莱尼。 从现在开始没多久,两人很快就会坐下来会谈,他们预计密封几十交易......以增强在多个领域的经济合作。 在这些协议是有计划的纺织品复杂占地100公顷,或者一个平方公里。 该项目有望给韩国投资者生产成本的竞争优势。 “埃塞俄比亚拥有强大的纺织行业,具有生产成本的大约比中国。韩国进入埃塞俄比亚市场将使我们发送出口到美国,没有关税,欧盟低30%的。”
首尔也将在交通运输,发电和城市发展埃塞俄比亚基础设施项目发挥更大的作用。 韩国也将提供其在高附加值的行业知识......像科技,能源,电子政务和习俗。 总统的国事访问的另一个亮点是推出韩国援助 - 新的官方发展援助计划提供食物,医疗和文化服务。 “在我们的申办支持非洲实现可持续发展的目标,2030年的能力,在联合国去年通过,...首尔将推出韩国援助,涵盖医疗保健,食品和文化综合开发项目,不留区留下“。
两位领导人也将分享他们在朝鲜核问题上,意见... ...和结果可以作为其他非洲国家实施平壤联合国制裁的例子。 今晚稍后,朴正熙总统将出席在总统府国宴。 我要对会谈的详细信息...当峰会告一段落今晚稍后。 回你在首尔。

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