
10. Intelligent Glasses Translate Foreign Text
9. Contact Lenses Detect Blood Sugar
8. Wristband Pulses to Warm Or Cool Wearer
7. Bra That Sends Tweets
6. Skin Tattoo Takes Body Temperature
5. Human to Human Mind Meld
4. False Memories Implanted in Mice
3. Implants to Deliver Medication
2. Emotion Triggered Ads
1. Bra Sensors That Monitor Your Munchies

==========Google 翻译==========

0:0010 Technologies That Invade Your Privacy in Unique Ways 0:0810. Intelligent Glasses Translate Foreign Text 0:15NTT Docomo (the AT&T of Japan) unveiled a pair of glasses which allow the wearer to 0:21read and translate foreign text in under five seconds. The device is reminiscent of a classic 0:27sci-fi universal translator, but for the eyes. According to the carrier, the glasses employ 0:32character recognition technology and are primarily aimed at users who travel abroad. Upon looking 0:39at a foreign language text, the glasses display a translation overlay to help translate the 0:44text to the language of your choice. In addition, you can also use these glasses to turn any 0:46flat surface into a touchscreen, manipulating a virtual image visible only to yourself while 0:47looking like a bit of a knob in public. On the slightly creepier side the glasses can 0:47also call up the contact details of anyone who is in view, making stalking much more 0:48convenient for those of us who engage in that particular hobby. 0:489. Contact Lenses Detect Blood Sugar 0:50As Google Glass gains attention by being disliked by federal agents and traffic cops, Google 0:56continues to attempt to dominate the literal view, albeit in a more altruistic manner,

1:02with new contact lenses. These lenses are targeted towards diabetics who have to go 1:07through the inconvenience of sticking needles in their body and measuring their blood sugar 1:12levels for actions as simple and trivial to non-diabetics as eating a doughnut. Google’s 1:19contacts help remove some of that inconvenience by detecting your blood sugar through your 1:24tears and changing color according to the amount detected. The lenses themselves are 1:29made up of two soft touch contacts with a chip embedded inside. In short, checking you 1:35blood sugar would be as easy as whipping out a compact mirror and checking your eye color. 1:40Hopefully no ads are served during this process. 1:438. Wristband Pulses to Warm Or Cool Wearer 1:47Remember that time you wished you had a wrist mounted device that could heat or cool you 1:52and… no? Well that’s probably why you’re not an MIT engineer then. Dubbed the Wristify, 1:58a trio of MIT students created a device that monitors both external air temperature and

2:04body temperature and adjusts the latter accordingly. According to one of its creators, it’s constantly 2:10tricking the body into think it’s actually really cold, forcing the body to acclimate 2:15and change its temperature. 2:177. Bra That Sends Tweets 2:20Simplifying the process of tweeting for the ladies, a special edition bra exists that 2:25tweets whenever the bra is taken off. Nestle’s Fitness division teamed up with Twitter to 2:30create a single-edition bra to create awareness for breast cancer during breast cancer month 2:36in 2013. Worn by the Greek Oprah (Maria Bacodimou), the bra transmits a message through a remote 2:39sever to her mobile device, which in turn generates a tweet on the social network reminding 2:43women to self-examine themselves for breast cancer. As self-examination is cheaper than 2:48a mammogram and more effective than blissful ignorance, this is actually a pretty altruistic 2:54publicity stunt. Although we wish there was also a limited briefs and boxers edition. 2:56The more the merrier, right? 2:576. Skin Tattoo Takes Body Temperature 2:59Tattoos have a social stigma attached to them, stemming from the image they have as symbols 2:59of rebellion and misspent youth. But this tattoo is none of that. A team of researchers

3:00from China, the USA and Singapore have developed an extremely thin electronic patch that sticks 3:07to the skin just like a temporary tattoo. It can accurately measure the temperature 3:11of the person currently wearing it, as well as blood vessel dilation and constriction. 3:17It can also measure the health level of the heart, brain and other organs, and can also 3:22tell if that Pepsi you weren’t supposed to have finally tipped you into diabetes land. 3:27The downside is that the tattoo needs an external power source like a battery pack, although 3:32researchers are currently working on a way for it to function on bio energy. 3:375. Human to Human Mind Meld 3:40No you didn’t misread the entry title. There actually has been a successful example of 3:47one man controlling the brain of another man through his thoughts alone. Well, that and 3:52the power of electrodes. 3:54In an experiment carried out in the University of Washington, one professor was able to manipulate

4:00the actions of a colleague on the other end of campus. Professor Rajesh Rao and his colleague 4:06Andrea Stocco both donned electroencephalography (EEG) caps and sat at opposite sides of the 4:12campus. Rao was playing a video game with his imagination, and imagined moving his right 4:18hand to fire a cannon. The EEG cap picked up the signal and sent it to Stocco, whose 4:23right hand reflexively moved to press the space bar of the keyboard in front of him. 4:27While not exactly puppetry scale control at the moment, the research could be advanced 4:28and used in the future to program much more complex devices. 4:294. False Memories Implanted in Mice 4:31Memories are sometimes as reliable as a sieve used to hold water. Using optical fibers, 4:33a team of researchers was able to manipulate mice into believing a benign area was dangerous 4:39by giving them false bad memories of it. They simply placed the mice in the harmless space, 4:44then used a flash of light to trigger the memory forming process. They then placed the 4:49mice in another area and triggered the flash again, only this time the mice were given 4:54a mild electric shock. When the animals were placed back in the first area they began to 4:58show signs of fear, simply because their brain now associated the first area with the pain.

5:04Now, why is this significant? Humans have similar biology to mice. Both brains form 5:04memories by creating collections of cells which record those moments and are linked 5:05by various neurons. When scientists figure out how to manipulate these neurons on humans, 5:09we could have operations to get traumatic memories removed and pleasant ones implanted, 5:14and could also begin to fix illnesses like schizophrenia and amnesia. On the other hand, 5:15any new technological advance that involves playing with the brain brings out the tin 5:16foil hats, and this should be no exception. 5:163. Implants to Deliver Medication 5:18We all know that there are people with diseases that need to take daily medication. We also 5:22all know that daily medicines are a pain in the ass, and so to make this easier technology 5:23has stepped in. A Joint Harvard University and University of Toronto team were able to 5:26build several implants made of a hydrogel polymer that is compatible with living tissue. 5:32These hydrogel implants were then themselves implanted with photosensitive cells that react 5:38to light. 5:39The implants, upon exposure to blue light, were able to simulate insulin protection through 5:43a synthetic protein. The test was carried out in mice, so it still needs modification 5:49for it to be usable in humans. 5:512. Emotion Triggered Ads 5:53Have you ever felt that ads were getting a bit too intrusive? Like that ad for Kleenex 5:55that popped up when you started getting teary-eyed, or the Shreddies commercial that started playing 5:55when you told your friend that you needed new cereal? Well, it may not be all in your 5:55head after all. New technology works in sync with computer web-cams to scan the face of 5:59the person viewing the screen at the moment. Using a combination of facial recognition

6:05software and an in-depth knowledge of people’s reactions, the software engine can use your 6:10web-cam to determine your mood and creepily, accurately guess at the emotional reactions 6:17you’re having, then serve up ads accordingly. 6:20Big businesses like international retail chains buy this software and use it to manipulate 6:25your buying decisions. As one of the companies involved in development, Affectiva, pointed 6:27out, people are controlled by their emotions and gaining access to them is key to selling 6:28products. So, basically, we may all have to start wearing masks when reading the news. 6:281. Bra Sensors That Monitor Your Munchies 6:31Dealing with growing obesity is a lucrative market and can lead to some very off-beat 6:36technologies. Microsoft Research has recently created a special bra that, when combined 6:40with a smartphone app, can prevent you from overeating. It works by using a series of 6:45sensors embedded in the padding to measure the heart activity of the woman who is wearing 6:50it. As people are more likely to eat when stressed, the sensor would use heart rate, 6:55respiration rate, temperature and rate of movement to measure the stress level of the

7:00wearer. By recording several measurements a day, the bra can accurately tell the norm 7:05from the outlier and in turn help the wearer regulate stress eating. Unfortunately, as 7:09boxers are not typically worn close to the heart, stress eating men are still on their 7:20own for now.

0:00 10技术,侵犯您的隐私以独特的方式 0:08 10.智能眼镜翻译外语文本 0:15 NTT DoCoMo公司(该AT&日本T)推出了一副眼镜,这让佩戴者 0:21阅读和下5秒翻译外文文本。该设备是让人想起经典 0:27科幻通用翻译,但眼睛。根据载体,眼镜采用 0:32字符识别技术,并且主要是针对谁出国旅游的用户。一旦找 0:39在外国语言文字,眼镜显示翻译覆盖,以帮助翻译 0:44文字到您所选择的语言。此外,您也可以使用这些眼镜将任何 0:46平面变为触摸屏,只操纵可见虚像自己,而 0:47看上去就像在公共有点旋钮。在稍creepier侧的眼镜可以 0:47还调用任何人谁是考虑的联系方式,使得盯梢多 0:48方便了我们这些谁从事特定爱好。 0:48 9.隐形眼镜检测血糖 0:50随着谷歌玻璃由联邦特工和交通警察,谷歌不喜欢被关注收益 0:56继续尝试主宰字面视图,尽管在一个更利他方式,

1:02新的隐形眼镜。这些镜头瞄准往谁得去糖尿病 1:07通过在自己的身体贴针并测量他们的血糖的不便 1:12水平作为吃甜甜圈动作简单而平凡的非糖尿病患者。谷歌的 1:19接触有助于通过检测血糖删除一些不便你 1:24眼泪和根据检测到的量改变颜色。镜片本身 1:29由具有内嵌在芯片的两个软触摸接触。总之,你检查 1:35血糖会像鞭打紧凑镜子,检查你的眼睛的颜色一样简单。 1:40但愿没有广告在此过程中提供服务。 1:43 8腕带脉冲来温暖或凉爽穿着者 1:47记得那个时候,你希望你有可能加热或冷却你手腕上的装置 1:52和不?嗯,这可能是为什么你不是一个麻省理工学院的工程师即可。名曰Wristify, 1:58麻省理工学院的学生三重奏创建监视既有外部空气温度和设备

2:04体温并相应地调整后者。据它的创造者之一,它不断 2:10欺骗身体进入认为它实际上是非常冷,迫使身体适应 2:15并改变其温度。 2:17 7.文胸发送推文 2:20啁啾简化为女士们的过程中,特别版文胸存在 2:25鸣叫每当胸罩取下。雀巢的健身师联手Twitter的 2:30创建单版文胸创造乳腺癌月份对乳腺癌的认识 2:36在2013年穿的希腊奥普拉(玛丽亚Bacodimou),胸罩通过远程发送消息 2:39断绝向她的移动设备,这又对社会网络提醒产生鸣叫 2:43女性自我审视自己的乳腺癌。作为自查较便宜 2:48乳房X光检查和幸福比无知更有效,这其实是一个非常无私 2:54宣传噱头。虽然我们希望也有一个限制内裤和拳击手版。 2:56越多越好越多,对吧? 2:57 6.皮肤纹身注意到体温 2:59纹身附加有一个社会的耻辱,从他们的符号图像所产生的 2:59的叛乱和挥霍浪费青春。但是,这纹身是没有这一点。一个研究小组

3:00来自中国,美国和新加坡已经开发了一个非常薄的电子补丁的那支 3:07对皮肤就像一个临时纹身。它可以精确地测量温度 3:11目前穿着它的人,以及血管扩张和收缩。 3:17它还可以测量心脏,大脑和其他器官的健康水平,也可以 3:22告诉我们,如果百事你不应该终于放倒你进入糖尿病的土地。 3:27不利的一面是认为文身需要像电池组外部电源,虽然 3:32研究人员目前正在研究一种方法,它在生物能源的作用。 3:37 5.人与人之间的心灵融合 3:40不,你没看错的条目标题。其实还有一直是一个成功的例子 3:47一个人单独控制的另一名男子的大脑通过他的想法。嗯,这和 3:52电极的功率。 3:54在华盛顿大学进行了一项实验,一位教授能够操纵

4:00一位同事在校园另一端的动作。拉杰什饶教授和他的同事 4:06安德烈Stocco都戴上脑电图(EEG)帽和坐在对面两侧 4:12校园。饶是玩游戏用他的想象力,想象移动他的右 4:18手开火大炮。脑电图帽拿起信号,并将其发送到Stocco,其 4:23右手本能地移动到按键盘的空格键在他的面前。 4:27虽然目前没有完全木偶规模控制,这项研究可能提前 4:28和将来用于复杂得多器件进行编程。 4:29 4.在小鼠移植错误记忆 4:31回忆有时筛子用来装水一样可靠。使用光学纤维, 4:33一组研究人员能够操纵小鼠相信一个良性的区域是危险的 4:39给他们吧假不好的回忆。它们简单地放置在小鼠中的无害的空间, 4:44然后用一道闪光触发记忆形成过程。然后,他们放置 4:49小鼠在另一个区域,并再次触发了闪光灯,只是这一次的小鼠给予 4:54温和的电击。当动物在第一区域被安置回他们开始 4:58显示出恐惧的迹象,仅仅是因为他们的大脑现在相关的痛苦的第一个区域。

5:04现在,这是为什么显著?人类有相似生物学到小鼠中。两个大脑形成 5:04回忆通过创建细胞的集合,它记录的时刻和链接 5:05各种神经元。当科学家弄清楚如何处理对人类的这些神经元, 5:09我们可以有操作得到创伤记忆中删除,愉快的人植入, 5:14同时也可以开始修复像精神分裂症和失忆疾病。另一方面, 5:15这涉及到用脑打任何新的技术进步带来了锡 5:16衬托帽子,这应该也不例外。 5:16 3.植入传递药物 5:18我们都知道,有与疾病需要采取每天服药的人。我们也 5:22都知道,每天的药品是一个痛苦的屁股,所以使这种技术更容易 5:23在已经加强。一个联合哈佛大学和多伦多队的大学能够 5:26建立了一个水凝胶聚合物是与活组织相容的几个植入物。 5:32这些水凝胶植入物,然后植入自己与反应感光细胞 5:38光。 5:39的植入物,在暴露于兰光,能够通过模拟胰岛素保护 5:43一个合成蛋白质。试验是在小鼠中进行的,所以它仍然需要修改 5:49为它是在人类中使用。 5:51 2.情绪触发的广告 5:53你有没有觉得,广告被变得有点太冒昧?像这样的广告的面巾纸 5:55这突然出现了,当你开始变得热泪盈眶,或开始打Shreddies商业 5:55当你告诉你的朋友,你需要新的谷物?嗯,这未必全是你的 5:55头毕竟。新技术可与电脑网络摄像头同步扫描的脸 5:59人此刻观看屏幕。使用面部识别的结合

6:05软件和人们的反应的深入了解,软件引擎可以使用 6:10网络摄像,以确定你的心情和毛骨悚然,在情绪反应准确地猜测 6:17你有,那么相应的服务广告。 6:20大企业像国际零售连锁店买这个软件,并用它来操作 6:25您的购买决策。作为参与开发的公司之一,Affectiva,指出 6:27出,人们被自己的情绪控制,并获得对它们的访问是关键卖点 6:28产品。所以,基本上,我们可能都开始阅读新闻的时候戴口罩。 6:28 1.监测你的零食文胸传感器 6:31与日益严重的肥胖打交道是一个利润丰厚的市场,可能会导致一些非常关拍 6:36技术。微软研究院最近建立的是,当结合特殊的胸罩 6:40与智能手机应用程序,可以防止你暴饮暴食。它的工作原理是利用一系列的 6:45嵌入在填充传感器来测量女人的心脏活动是谁穿 6:50它。至于人们更倾向于强调吃的时候,传感器会使用心脏率, 6:55呼吸速率,体温和运动的速率来测量的应力水平

7:00佩戴者。通过记录测量几次,每天的胸罩可以准确地告诉常态 7:05从异常,进而帮助穿着者调节压力进食。不幸的是,如 7:09拳手通常不戴靠近心脏,压力吃男人仍然在他们的 7:20自己现在。

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