Daily News 2023.1.3

According to the National Retail Foundation, the US is in the midst of a full on, nationwide shoplifting epidemic.
Their data suggests that US retailers lost around 95 BILLION dollars’ worth of inventory in 2021 alone. Lost inventory, as they call it, has many causes, including product damage and employees stealing, but more than a third of that total was the result of “external theft”, or shoplifting.
Moreover, retailers that year experienced on average a TWENTY-SIX-AND-A-HALF percent increase in organized theft incidences!
Lost inventory has been on the rise for a while, but its biggest surge was in 2020, which many attribute to staffing shortages brought on by the pandemic.
But if we take it as a given that fewer shoplifters are going to get caught, should the penalties be increased as a deterrent?
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