
Colorado State University Biologist Rewires Plants to Detect Pollutants, Explosives
June Medford, plant biologist at Colorado State University, explains from her laboratory on the CSU campus how she's discovered how to rewire plants so that they can detect environmental contaminants and explosives. Green plants turn white once they're exposed to such contaminants -- a discovery made by Medford and her collaborators including some 30 graduate, undergraduate, post-doctoral fellows and researchers in her lab.
Bill Farland, vice president for Research at CSU, says this is the kind of basic science at CSU -- an institution with more than $300 million in annual research expenditures -- that is making a difference in the world
六月梅德福,廠房科羅拉多州立大學的生物學家解釋說,從她的實驗室在中南大學校園裡她是如何的發現植物如何重新連接,使他們可以檢測環境污染物和爆炸物。綠色植物變白一旦他們接觸到這種污染物-一個發現由梅德福和她的合作者包括約 30個研究生,本科生,博士後和研究人員在她的實驗室。
條例草案的法蘭,在副總裁查理斯特大學的研究說,這是種在中南大學基礎科學-一個機構超過3億美元,每年的研究經費- 這是發揮作用的世界

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