GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.27---Eszter Hargittai:網上參與

GoogleTechTalks 2011.1.27---Eszter Hargittai:網上參與:是什麼原因導致的變化在推動參與網站?
Online Engagement: What Causes Variation in Contributing to Participatory Web Sites?
Google Tech Talk
January 24, 2011
Presented by Eszter Hargittai.
Much enthusiasm surrounds the opportunities made available by digital media for people to express themselves and participate in the public sphere without having to go through traditional gatekeepers. Indeed, likely more people than ever before participate in discussions and collaborate on projects yielding outcomes of value to many. While the enthusiasm about new opportunities is thus warranted, we are in need of empirical examinations of these phenomena to get a better sense of who is actually participating, who is not, and what patterns in participation may imply for the democratizing potential of new tools and services. This talk draws on unique longitudinal survey data collected on the same group of young adults in 2009 and 2010 to explore these questions. Findings suggest that users' demographic and socioeconomic background, the context of their uses and their Internet skills are related to active online engagement. The talk will explore reasons for these differences and will discuss the implications of the findings.
Eszter Hargittai is Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Faculty Associate of the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University where she heads the Web Use Project. She is also Fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society where she spent the 2008/09 academic year in residence. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Princeton University where she was a Wilson Scholar. Hargittai's research focuses on the social and policy implications of information technologies with a particular interest in how differences in people's Web-use skills influence what they do online. Her current research has been supported by the John D. and Katherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Google Nokia Research, and the Hiatt Fund at Northwestern University. She sits on the Advisory Board of Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy and the Princeton Technology Advisory Council. For more information, see and

主辦 Eszter Hargittai。
Eszter Hargittai副教授傳播學系和研究所副政策研究美國西北大學,她領導的網絡使用項目。她也是研究員,哈佛大學伯克曼互聯網與社會中心在那裡她度過了2008/09學年的住所。她獲得了博士學位從普林斯頓大學社會學她是威爾遜學者。 Hargittai的研究主要集中在社會和政策影響的信息技術與特定的利益差異如何在人們的網絡使用技能的影響,他們在網上做什麼。她目前的研究已經得到了由約翰 D和凱瑟琳 T. MacArthur基金會,谷歌諾基亞研究,希亞特基金和西北大學。她坐在諮詢委員會普林斯頓的信息技術政策中心和普林斯頓技術諮詢委員會。有關詳細信息,請參閱 eszter.com和。

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