Davos Annual Meeting 2010:下一個全球危機

Davos Annual Meeting 2010:下一個全球危機
Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - CNBC The Next Global Crisis
http://www.weforum.org 27.01.2010
The G20 is focused on preventing a repeat of the financial crisis, but the next global crisis to threaten the global economy is likely to be off the radar screen of policy-makers, as have previous ones. What warning signals need our urgent attention? In partnership with the World Economic Forum, CNBC hosts this debate focusing on the challenges and choices to be made to prevent the next great global crisis.
Barney Frank, Congressman from Massachusetts (Democrat), 4th District; Chairman, Financial Services Committee, USA
Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International, JPMorgan Chase & Co., USA
Lord Levene, Chairman, Lloyd's, United Kingdom
Anand G. Mahindra, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, Mahindra & Mahindra, India
Kenneth Rogoff, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, Harvard University,
Zhu Min, Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China, People's Republic of China; Global Agenda Council on the International Monetary System
Moderated by

Maria Bartiromo, Anchor, CNBC's Closing Bell; Host and Managing Editor, Wall Street Journal Report, CNBC, USA; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Systemic Financial Risk

的Jacob A. Frenkel的主席,摩根大通國際,摩根大通銀行,美國

瑪麗亞 Bartiromo的,錨,CNBC的收盤;主機和總編輯,華爾街日報報導,CNBC電視頻道,美國,年輕的全球領導者,全球議程理事會系統性金融風險

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