IIEA2011.1.7---Patrick Honohan :對恢復信貸的愛爾蘭經濟

IIEA2011.1.7---Patrick Honohan :對恢復信貸的愛爾蘭經濟
Patrick Honohan on Restoring Credit to the Irish Economy
About the Event:
Speaking to one of the largest audiences in the history of the Institute, the Governor of the Irish Central Bank, Professor Patrick Honohan, highlighted the need for a reduction in uncertainty, particularly in the banking sector, in order to restore credit and confidence to the Irish economy.
While focusing mainly on uncertainty around the banks, he also addressed some other key dimensions of short-term macroeconomic prospects including employment and output growth, the budget and cost competitiveness.
A copy of Prof. Honohan's prepared remarks and presentation slides can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below the photo on this page. Video will be uploaded here by tomorrow, 8 January.
About the Speaker:
Patrick Honohan was appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland in September 2009. Before this, he was Professor of International Financial Economics and Development at Trinity College Dublin from 2007. Prior to this, he spent almost a decade at the World Bank where he was Senior Advisor on financial sector policy. He was previously Research Professor with the Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin (1990-98), Economic Advisor to Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald (1981-82 and 1984-86) and spent several years as an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland (1976-81 and 1984-86), and at the International Monetary Fund (1971-73).

A graduate of University College Dublin, he received his Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics in 1978. He has taught Economics at the LSE and at the University of California-San Diego, the Australian National University and University College Dublin, as well as at Trinity College. In recent years, his research has mainly focused on monetary and financial sector policy.

發言的一個最大的觀眾群在歷史研究所,總督愛爾蘭中央銀行,劉秀成 Honohan,強調需要有一個減少不確定性,特別是在銀行部門,以恢復信貸和信心,愛爾蘭的經濟。
副本研究員 Honohan的準備的講稿和演示幻燈片可以下載通過點擊圖標上的照片下面這個頁面。此視頻被上傳到明天,1月8日。
帕特里克Honohan被任命總督愛爾蘭中央銀行在2009年9月。在此之前,他是經濟學教授,國際金融和發展在都柏林三一學院從 2007年開始。在此之前,他花了近十年在世界銀行高級顧問,他是金融部門的政策。他曾研究教授與經濟和社會研究學院,都柏林(1990-98),經濟顧問會見到訪加勒特杰拉德(1981-82和1984-86),並花了數年作為一位經濟學家在中央愛爾蘭銀行(1976 -81和1984-86),並在國際貨幣基金(1971-73)。

一個畢業於都柏林大學,他獲得博士學位經濟學從倫敦經濟學院於 1978年。他曾在倫敦經濟學院經濟學教授,並在加州大學,聖地亞哥,澳大利亞國立大學和都柏林大學,以及在三一學院。近年來,他的研究主要集中在貨幣和金融部門政策。

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