TEDxEuston2011.1.7---Winnie Ssanyu-Sseruma:為什麼這麼多的意思我還活著

TEDxEuston2011.1.7---Winnie Ssanyu-Sseruma:為什麼這麼多的意思我還活著
TEDxEuston - Winnie Ssanyu-Sseruma - "Why It means so much for me to be alive"
In this beautiful story of life and hope, find out why Winnie has not shut up since she experienced her "Lazarus effect". Her talk challenges our societies, living in denial and avoiding discussing the difficult issues with our own families to wake up and smell the coffee, imploring us to do more to celebrate those that are lucky to be still living with HIV and to keep advocating for treatmet, prevention and possible...a cure!
Winnie currently works as African services manager for Positive East and was one of the first people from the African community in the UK to have the courage go public with her HIV status. After discovering she was HIV positive, Winnie now spends her time volunteering; writing, researching and speaking about issues affecting HIV positive Africans. Winnie is chair of the African HIV Policy Network (AHPN) and trustee of National Aids Trust (NAT).

TEDxEuston-小熊Ssanyu- Sseruma- “為什麼這麼多的意思我還活著“
在這個美麗的故事,生命和希望,找出原因溫妮沒有閉嘴,因為她經歷了她的“拉撒路效應“。她跟挑戰,我們的社會中,生活在否認和避免討論棘手的問題與我們自己的家人醒來聞到咖啡,懇求我們做更多的慶祝那些仍然算是幸運的了艾滋病毒,並隨時倡導 treatmet ,預防和治愈的可能...!
溫妮目前是非洲服務經理東,是一個積極的第一人來自非洲社會在英國要有勇氣去和她的艾滋病毒狀況公眾。在發現她是HIV陽性,小熊現在她的時間花在志願服務,寫作,研究和談論的問題影響 HIV陽性非洲人。溫妮主席的非洲艾滋病政策網絡(AHPN)和國家艾滋病信託受託人(NAT)的。

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