Poptech2011.1.3---Deborah Kenny:固定教育

Poptech2011.1.3---Deborah Kenny:固定教育
Deborah Kenny's fixing education
Deborah Kenny wants to scale the effective programs her organization, Harlem Village Academies, has produced. By avoiding previous, well-intentioned, failures and by providing teachers and students with empowering tools, she wants to get what's working for her schools in every US school--and she encourages all of us to get involved.

德博拉肯尼想規模的有效方案,她的組織,哈萊姆村書院,已生產。通過避免以前的,善意的,失敗並提供教師和學生賦權的工具,她希望得到什麼工作,她在美國各個學校學校- 她鼓勵我們所有的人參與進來

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