TEDTalks2010.12.22---Majora Carter: 生態創業3故事

TEDTalks2010.12.22---Majora Carter: 生態創業3故事
Majora Carter: 3 stories of local eco-entrepreneurship
Majora Carter: 生態創業3故事
The future of green is local -- and entrepreneurial. At TEDxMidwest, Majora Carter brings us the stories of three people who are saving their own communities while saving the planet. Call it "hometown security."
About Majora Carter
Majora Carter redefined the field of environmental equality, starting in the South Bronx at the turn of the century. Now she is leading the local economic development movement across the USA
綠色是未來的地方 -和創業精神。在TEDxMidwest,卡特給我們帶來了三個人的故事,誰是拯救他們自己的社區,同時拯救地球。稱它為“故鄉的安全。“


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