TEDxChCh2010.12.14---Paul Dunn - Wow and Woow

TEDxChCh2010.12.14---Paul Dunn - Wow and Woow
TEDxChCh - Paul Dunn - Wow and Woow
In this talk, Paul Dunn shares the deep joy that can be found in sustainable giving.
Paul Dunn serves as the Chairman of Buy1Give1 (B1G1). B1G1, as Paul puts it, "gives business the power to change our lives."
Within B1G1, giving is a simple, effortless habit. Through what's known as transaction-based giving, B1G1 business members link their products and services to over 612 projects around the world so that every transaction actually creates a positive impact.
Paul was one of the first 10 people in the Australian branch of Hewlett-Packard, and has founded multiple multi-million dollar companies, but it's the successes of Buy1Give1 that gives him the greatest joy: over 1,198,000 giving transactions to date, resulting, among other things, in more than 37,000 children being given a meal at school, more than 382,000 people receiving accommodation, and more than 45,000 square meters of rainforest being protected.

TEDxChCh保羅 -鄧恩-哇和Woow
保羅鄧恩擔任主席Buy1Give1(B1G1)。 B1G1,正如保羅所說的那樣,“給企業的力量來改變我們的生活。“

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