TEDxEuston2011.1.16---Pat Utomi :在我们所有的领导者

TEDxEuston2011.1.16---Pat Utomi :在我们所有的领导者
TEDxEuston - Pat Utomi - The leader in all of us
Pat Utomi - Pat Utomi, a professor of political economy and management expert is a Nigerian entrepreneur whose ultimate goal is to positively affect humanity. Utomi co-founded the Lagos Business School, now Pan African University in 1994 with the Opus Dei, a Catholic religious group. He was scholar-in-residence, American University, Washington DC, USA, 1996 and research associate, the Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1996. He coordinated the establishment of several civil society groups on good governance and accountability such as Transparency in Nigeria and the Restoration Group. In the business sphere, Utomi is the vice-chairman, Platinium--Habib Bank. He is an accomplished columnist, and chairman, BusinessDay Media Limited and creator of Patito's Gang, a television talk show. Utomi has published several books on political economy and management. He was a presidential candidate in the 2007 elections in Nigeria. He spoke at TEDxEuston in November 2010

TEDxEuston- 八Utomi-在我们所有的领导者
八Utomi帕特 -Utomi,政治经济和管理专家教授是一位尼日利亚的企业家,其最终目标是人类的积极影响。 Utomi共同创办了拉各斯商学院,现在在1994年,主业会,天主教宗教团体泛非大学。他是学者驻美国大学,华盛顿特区,美国,1996年和副研究员,哈佛商学院,波士顿,马萨诸塞州,美国,1996年。他协调了一些良好的管治和问责民间社会,例如在尼日利亚和修复组透明度群的构建。在商业领域,Utomi是副会长,铂-哈比卜银行。他是一个多才多艺的专栏作家,董事长,BusinessDay传媒有限公司和Patito的刚,电视谈话节目的创造者。 Utomi出版了关于政治经济和管理方面的书籍。他是一个在尼日利亚2007年选举的总统候选人。他谈到在2010年11月TEDxEuston

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