TEDxNashville2010.4.19---Jason Dinger::希望.自由与医学

TEDxNashville2010.4.19---Jason Dinger::希望.自由与医学
TEDxNashville - Jason Dinger - "Hope...Freedom...and Medicine."
- Jason Dinger takes us on a journey of what's possible when you reinvent the pharmaceutical supply chain. Since its inception two years ago, the Dispensary of Hope has grown to provide more than 100,000 prescriptions annually utilizing more than 50 dispensing sites throughout the country. The solution provides medicine at 1/10th the cost and saves hospitals tens of millions in bad debt. While initially servicing the United States, the Dispensary built its model to eventually serve low-income countries throughout the world.
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TEDxNashville贾森 -迪杰- “。希望......自由与医学“
贾森 -迪杰发生在一个什么样的可能,当您重新创造我们的药品供应链的旅程。自两年前成立以来,灵药房已经发展到提供超过10万,每年利用处方在全国各地50多个配药网站。该解决方案提供的十分之一,节省医药费用在医院的坏帐百万计。虽然最初服务于美国,药房建立了自己的模式,最终成为世界各地的低收入国家。

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