TEDxSeeds2010.7.7---Shinichi Harada:三維 HD技術關鍵和挑戰

TEDxSeeds2010.7.7---Shinichi Harada:三維 HD技術關鍵和挑戰
TEDxSeeds - Shinichi Harada - 3D HD Technology -- key and challenge
In 2010 Hollywood movie "Avatar" has made the biggest hits ever, and this new 3D filming technology has developed originally in Japan: TV has been made the evolution from a black-&-white to a color system, from CRT to flat panel display, and TV is taking a step to the new world, from two dimension to three dimension.
NHK Media Technology, that has one of the world's most eminent 3D HD filming technologies, successfully filmed the ideal 3D HD images by creating "Lens Shift Adapter", the new adapter using the optical refraction. Such as "live Sports events" or "live surgical operation", changing our information from two dimensions to three dimensions creates the images with "air". This is the sense as if you were in that atmosphere of the images. "Information becomes experience......" TV with unceasing evolution is now breaking into the new world. Mr.Harada, Japanese engineer, who runs the front on filming technologies, speaks about the key and challenge to this new technology.
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TEDxSeeds - 原田真一 - 三維 HD技術 - 關鍵和挑戰
2010年好萊塢電影“阿凡達”取得了有史以來的最大命中,這種新的3D拍攝技術的發展原本在日本:電視已取得的演變過程,從一個黑與白到彩色系統,從 CRT向平板顯示器和電視正在採取步驟,新的世界,從兩個層面三個層面。
NHK的媒體技術,已經是世界上最傑出的3D高清拍攝技術,成功地拍攝了理想的三維高清圖像通過創建“鏡頭移動適配器”,新的適配器使用光學折射。如“體育直播事件”或“活外科手術”,改變著我們的信息來自兩個方面創造了三維圖像與“空氣”。在這種意義上,如果你在為那氣氛的圖像。 “信息成為經驗 ......"電視現在是打破不斷演進到新的世界。 Mr.Harada,日本工程師,誰運行前的拍攝技術,充分說明了關鍵和挑戰,這種新技術。
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在精神理念值得推廣,TEDx是一種方案的地方,自我組織的活動,使人們共同分享的TED的體驗。在TEDx活動,TEDTalks視頻及現場演講結合,引發深入的探討和連接在一個小組。這些地方,自我組織的活動都是品牌TEDx的,其中x =獨立組織的TED事件。 TED會議提供一般指導意見 TEDx的方案,但個別 TEDx活動是自發組織 .*(*待一定的規則和條例)

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