TEDxTallaght2010.11.24---Merrit Bucholz:愛爾蘭城市化

TEDxTallaght2010.11.24---Merrit Bucholz:愛爾蘭城市化
TEDxTallaght -- Merrit Bucholz -- Urbanized Ireland
Merritt Bucholz was born in Chicago in 1966 and has been living and working in Dublin since 1995. He opened his architectural practice Bucholz McEvoy Architects with Karen McEvoy in and together they have won a myriad of design awards.The ability to think abstractly, in a non-linear way, to assemble things that are seemingly contradictory and give them new meaning — that's the genius of the architect according to Merritt who is currently the inaugural Professor of Architecture at the University of Limerick. He was previously visiting professor at Harvard University, and has lectured at Princeton University, Cornell University, the School of Architecture at University College Dublin and Dublin Institute of Technology. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University.
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梅里特布科爾茨在芝加哥出生於 1966年,一直生活和工作自1995年在都柏林。他打開了他的建築實踐布科爾茨麥克沃伊建築師與 Karen麥克沃伊在和他們一起贏得了無數的設計 awards.The抽象思維能力,在非線性的方式,匯集東西,似乎是矛盾的,給他們新的意義- 這就是對天才的建築師根據梅里特誰是目前就職建築教授在利默里克大學。他曾在哈佛大學客座教授,並在普林斯頓大學發表演講,康奈爾大學,建築學院在都柏林大學,都柏林理工學院。他持有康乃爾大學建築。
在TEDx活動,一篩選 TEDTalks視頻 -或結合現場主持人和TEDTalks視頻 -火花深入的談話和連接。 TEDx活動是完全獨立地規劃和協調,在社區,由社區的基礎。

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