TEDxWoodsHole2010.12.14---Hanumant Singh:深海机器人的远景

TEDxWoodsHole2010.12.14---Hanumant Singh:深海机器人的远景
TEDxWoodsHole - Hanumant Singh - A Robot's Vision of the Ocean Depths
The underwater robots that Hanumant Singh designs go places that no human has gone, including two miles below the frozen Arctic ice cap to the volcanic ocean floor. Singh and his team are engaged in bold, high-stakes adventures to explore the ocean depths, one of the major frontiers of 21st-century science. He is also an expert on computer vision techniques for underwater imaging and robotics, and his robots bring back deep insights and startling images of the ocean and its inhabitants.
Hanumant Singh's group at WHOI focuses on underwater imaging and robotics, and their research takes them on expeditions around the world. Recent voyages have included the historic AGAVE (Arctic Polar) expeditions, one of the first times a scientific team succeeded in reaching the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. Singh's autonomous robots have worked on a diverse set of applications while probing the ocean floor, including marine archaeology, marine geology and geophysics, fisheries, and coral reef ecology.

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