Newsy2011.3.21---AT&T公司收購T - Mobile


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Newsy2011.3.21---AT&T公司收購T - Mobile
AT&T Buys T-Mobile for $39B
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T-Mobile: “My friend just posted a video from a concert to Facebook.”
iPhone 4: “That was fast!”
T-Mobile: “Well, with T-Mobile’s 4G network, we can share videos whenever we want.”
AT&T: “Yeah, well with AT&T, you can do this! (plays Final Countdown).” (Video: YouTube)
Those playful T-Mobile commercials poking fun at the AT&T network could soon be a thing of the past. The company bought T-Mobile for a whopping $39-billion. PC Mag’s immediate reaction: bye-bye low prices.
“[L]ess competition always results in higher prices...T-Mobile has always been a value leader...These plans will go away...In AT&T's press release...the company doesn't bother to rebut this idea....the carrier says there's already plenty of competition and implies that prices are so low that Americans shouldn't be too concerned.”
Maybe bad for consumers but iSmashPhone says- it sure is good for business.
“This means an additional 46.5 million subscribers on AT&T's network, further expanding their reach in the US...Verizon has 101.1 Million subscribers and AT&T has 95.5 million.”
While the deal helps AT&T, especially since Verizon now has iPhone rights, it isn’t set in stone. Gigaom reports the Department of Justice still has to approve the merger.
“By making this offer, even if the DoJ stops the deal, AT&T has set a price for T-Mobile, one that a rival may not be willing to pay.”
...and a New York Times blogger says with the new deal, Sprint may be in trouble.
“The expected to be heavily scrutinized in Washington. The deal would leave only three major cellular carriers in the nation: AT&T, Verizon and a much smaller Sprint, which may now be forced to find a merger partner.”
Finally- a writer for Business Insider argues, AT&T is smart to step up its game against Verizon.
“This is a forced marriage due to Verizon finally getting the iPhone. If that hadn’t happened AT&T would have continued not to worry and continued not to invest in its network. Now that they know lots of people will switch when their contracts are up they needed to do something huge to try to improve the network before everyone wises up.”
Just hours before the companies announced the merger, rumors were flying that Sprint and T-Mobile were set to team up. Guess not.
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AT&T公司收購的T - Mobile為 $ 39B條
T - Mobile的:“我的朋友剛剛發布了一段視頻,從音樂會到Facebook。”
iPhone 4:“那是快!”
T - Mobile的:“嗯,與 T - Mobile的4G網絡,我們可以分享影片,每當我們想要的。”
AT&T公司:“是啊,與 AT&T,你可以這樣做! (播放最後的倒計時)。“(視頻:YouTube)的
這些有趣的T - Mobile的廣告戳樂趣在AT&T網絡的東西可能很快就會過去。公司購進的T - Mobile美元的巨額為 39億美元。電腦 Mag的立即反應:再見,價格低廉。
“[左] ESS的競爭中始終會引起價格上漲 ...的T - Mobile一直是領導者的價值 ...這些計劃將消失...在AT&T公司的新聞稿 ...公司不打擾反駁這想法....承運人說,有足夠的競爭,已經暗示,價格很低,因此美國人應該不會太擔​​心。“
“這意味著額外的4650萬用戶在AT&T的網絡,進一步擴大其在美國達成 ... Verizon擁有 101.1萬用戶和AT&T公司9550萬。”
雖然該協議有助於 AT&T公司,特別是因為 Verizon公司目前擁有 iPhone的權利,它不是一成不變的。 GigaOm等報告的還有司法部批准合併。
“通過這個價,即使美國司法部停止交易,AT&T公司設定價格為 T - Mobile,一個對手可能不願付錢。”
“此次交易預計將 ...巨資在華盛頓審議。該協議將只留下三大移動運營商在全國:AT&T公司,Verizon和Sprint的要小得多,而現在可能被迫尋找合併夥伴。“
最後,商業內幕作家認為,AT&T是聰明加緊對 Verizon的遊戲。
“這是一個強迫婚姻由於 Verizon公司終於獲得 iPhone。如果這沒有發生的AT&T將繼續不用擔心,仍然不投資於它的網絡。現在,他們知道很多人會轉當他們的合同中,他們會做一些事情需要巨大的嘗試來提高網絡之前,每個人懷斯斯了。“
僅僅幾個小時前兩家公司宣布合併,傳言滿天飛的Sprint和T - Mobile公司被設置為組隊。不這樣想。
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